This is absolutely idiotic

We can queue cross faction but we can’t whisper group leaders of opposite faction. How stupid is that

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You can even kill each other if you both happen to have warmode on. Always good to let off some steam before a dungeon run, am I right? :smiley:


yeah,well that among other things made me unsub from wow,11 days on my account and im not paying anymore for this game.

having a wonderfull time on lineage 2 reborn that is free to play and has more assistance/active gms ingame/people playing/mmorpg feel than wow 100 times.

maybe in dragonflight i come back but i doubt it ,the blast of lineage 2 reborn is to big to leave ^^.

Well they always said it wasn’t going to be a simple switch of a button.

I’m sure they will get around to ironing out all the creases eventually.

That was an intended feature, I seem to recall.

Dont worry guys, give them another two, maybe three, expansions and they will shape cross faction play into actually usable state.


Its the only way to decide who gets the PI.



It does seem like an oversight but there seem to be so many things that have to be changed to make cross faction to work and it’s not been without it’s teething problems.

I do hope we will see cross faction guilds in the future and things like this fixed.

You can make suggestions/give feedback in game in the same place as bug reports are made.

I’ll bet 100,000g it’ll be one of the big features of Dragonflight at launch. They’re sitting on it it so they can headline it with 10.0 :joy_cat:

But yeah, be nice to fix the whisper issue. Also make LFR and dungeon/random BG queues x-faction, because it’s daft not to. Just let people have a tickbox to opt out of it, and they can have a slow one-faction experience if they really want. Bet none of the “I’ll quit if x-faction happens” crowd will tick that box when they discover how fast queues are when they opt in.


I didn’t want cross faction per se. I would have preferred both factions to be playable without this but they couldn’t do it. You can’t have the bulk migrating to Horde to be able to find groups or be able to recruit for/find guilds. But having done this I do think they need to go the whole hog and make it so faction is just a customisation/main cities choice.

However having both factions in your groups will just become the norm as I suggested back then. People can try to cling on to the old ways but I think it will be a lot harder. Sooner or later the bulk are just going to be in cross faction.


Funny thing is, while EMFH was the best PvP racial, and Horde racials were better for PvE, it made the split a bit more even. PvP however was heavily tilted onto one faction, just like it is now, except back then it was Alliance.

That’s hilarious!

I had a funny experience with Warmode yesterday.

I joined the Cataclysm timeline for my Blood elf Paladin (because tabards only earn rep this way with old dungeons) anyway I noticed the flight path doesn’t take you to Ashenvale.

So I asked for a ride. Someone offered. But oh no, their warmode is on. They dropped me in the river in the middle of Ogrimmar walls and Barrens. Like literally dropped me from the sky. Next thing you know you are playing Jumani surviving lion attacks, ignoring the big Arss giraffes and zebras because blood elf is more tasty lion’s food apparently.

Finally make it to Ashenvale, open up the flight path which is useless at this point. And during this whole time the dungeon finder for cataclysm still didn’t start and blizzard keeps suggesting through a pop up trying a different timeline for dungeons because it’s taking so long. Which means no rep gains from tabards.

Poor new confused players…. That’s all I’m thinking.

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I’m glad that at least one side is unable to whisper me while I am making a group.

I get some whispers which worth writing Novels.

Best part is the one whispering you that they got a specific high score or that they have certain kinds of gear (not as prominent now at least with the catalyst). If i want something whispered to me while making a group then i’ll put it in the group title and whispering me is usually a safe way to not get invited.

Why would I get whispers while I have all the necessary tools to see whether I want the certain character in my group or not?

Some be like, bruh why did you decline? I just done that key in 20s, Rio did not update yet. While having 2.1k Rio.

When I reply being nice and say, I am happy for you.

I get whisper back “Oh you are a typical Kazzak player”.

Yeah sure, get lost with you 2.1k in my 20s.

I wish there was an option not to whisper at all, while forming a group, like avoid whispers.

Also, if you would like to let know the leader about something, you may always use the Note option.

I don’t want cross faction either.

But Blizzard has no other choice, when the faction imbalance is so established that Blizzard failed to solve the problem.

It is a compromise solution for one problem, that can cause many other problems in the future.

It will have serious long term impacts for the game, not just in technical issues (horde/alliance communication, cross faction guilds, etc.), but more importantly, to future lore and story development, dungeon/raids and quest design for Warcraft franchise.

Do you get that this is what I’m referring to - groups where people want things whispered are unavailble this way cross-faction because you will be ignored.

I don’t want the opposite faction being able to whisper me, I don’t want half of my own faction messaging me when applying for keys far beyond their I lvl and io….

It’s always the lock, they have more use for PI.

half groups in pvp has “/ me im afk” or “/w me your xp”