This is bound to be a waste of time, isn't it?

Good evening.

I hit 1800 rating in Solo Shuffle and didn’t get my missing head and shoulder pieces of the Elite Monk set, nor the Rival title. I opened a ticket and got to talk to about eight different “GM’s” that kept directing me to the US forums when you can’t even access those with an EU account. I put in a bug report and I completely expect this to go nowhere, but I’m desperate. I want my missing pieces, that set was the whole reason I even played Monk to begin with. Please help.

If this is about missing achievements, there are already some reports about that.

You can still create a free US trial and level a toon to 10 to post on the US bug report forums but it is not necessary as the ingame bug report tool does the same thing, which you did. It’s now up to the devs to fix it, hopefully.

I don’t expect much, but I’m hoping for the best regardless. In-game bug reports always feel like shouting into the void. I just want my set, man…