This is fine :)

https :// imgur . com /a/UEw5B5P

5,496 damage in one swing.

shamans are fine.

but but but paladins

What a season^^

For those that don’t want to mess around editting OP’s link.


4k stormstrike when warriors MS hit for 2k when big feels kinda off

When did an enhancement Shaman not chunk a mage in classic?

When you juice up a spec that was already threatening by it’s nature, probably five fold, to make it keep up with DPS in a PvE environment with classes it had no chance to (ex: rogues, mages), you get stuff like this.

The spec was always very bursty(especially against cloth), I think you would agree that much, now it just has sustained DPS too compared to before.

The real wonder to me is seeing there are still people expecting any of this to be balanced. If it’s not clear by now PvE balance has the priority over PvP in SoD I don’t know what to say.

And by the by, just because a class does some ridiculous stuff it doesn’t let off the hook other classes doing similar ridiculous feats in other scenarios. If you truly care about balance that is.

Tbh… my hunter dished out 4.5k killshot+3k chimera a day ago in AB with a full set of worldbuffs and about 6 other dmg increasing buffs in 2 secs.

Enh shamans are fine

Mortal strike hits like a wet noodle and is generally a waste of a talent point. You honestly get more damage out of overpower and slam.

Going Arms is a waste in general, better to just go 2h fury; Bloodthirst scales better.

yeah the damage is bad but the -50% heal debuff is still good in pvp

I mean, his name is major pain after all. He is just living up to his name.

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