Blizzard please do something. As it is right now the opposing faction can literally gank you in BFA capitals (Tiragarde and Zuldazar) and the theres nothign you can do about it if you don’t have flying unlocked. I get warmode is supposed to be dangerous with constant threath of being attacked but for chirsts sake shouldn’t you feel safe in freaking capital?! Atleast make the guards actually dangerous, as of right now a single player can gank you and the guards literally don’t even tickle.
You can also just turn off warmode
25% rewards isn’t worth making the game unplayable
Flying shouldn’t be available in current content zones
The risk of being ganked is just part of warmode.
It does suck when you’re disadvantaged, but only you can let yourself get ganked.
I go to Zuldazar now & again to pick a fight & the guards hurt enough that I can’t hang around for long.
They already made a change to let you turn off WM in any rest area. That’s plenty.
If you get the above, why don’t you get this…
They are a deterrent, not your PvP buddy.
PvP = Player versus Player.
Unlucky for you but this is BFA where if you’re not playing a dh, fire mage or retri pala you’re basically free food in Warmode.
Just hope for better times and with it out like the rest of us.
Wym man ?
You are crying becuz you have WM on and you are getting farmed or what ?
If you are that kind of person , i cant continue further since im gonna get another forum Silence .
Gl and turn WM off anyway
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