This is nerfed Classic, Blizzard wants it to fail

Yes ofc. My bad

Good! everyone that played private servers, you are all right about everything, don’t listen to the devs that actually made classic! that’s fake


Good! everyone that played private servers, you are all right about everything, don’t listen to the devs that actually made classic! that’s fake

Vanilla was heavily nerfed in the later stages, the patch notes confirm this.

Bro…bro…like bro xD plz dont tell me u think I am serious?

Fixes and adjustments was made, what sort of Nerfs are you talking about? And to what level went these nerfs? Fixes and adjustments went to classes as well, some improvements, some minor “nerfs”. PLease do tell and how they affected how you played in the open world as well as in Dungeons and raids.

I know before I even post this im gonna get various shill comments and what not but your taking your memories from 15 years ago and assuming you are 100% sure of what you think.

Also A LOT if not all private servers buffed elites and dungeons and raids to keep their servers from clearing naxx and leaving or demanding fresh servers every 2 or 3 months.

I think elites are fine as of right now and I do not believe this is a nerfed version but thats not from anything other than trusting that blizzard would not knowingly bring back a game by players demands to only nerf it in hopes of making players go back to retail because finacially it doesnt make sense to do that.

Honestly I dont really care how hard the content is considering i’ve done it on buffed private servers so its a whole ton easier from day 1 anyway.

I look at Retail as mechanically challenging for endgame but classic is a journey to 1-60 then you work as massive teams to take down huge bosses which aren’t very hard but just require higher player numbers rather than higher geared players.

I think classic is fun and a fantastic social mmorpg but retail has dungeon difficulty and raid difficulty which some people prefer and some don’t.


With TBC on the horizon they made multiple changes to ensure people could get to 60 quicker in order to play the new content (xp boosts were one, nerfs were another). This was very common knowledge at the time, and they’ll still be plenty of references there in the patch notes if interested.

I think you hit the nail spot on.
Ppl tend to believe that WoW was hard, and at some point it was ( pre 1.8 ) WoW 1.12 was pretty much how it is today.
NOW, I’m not saying Blizz have all their data correct, but for the most part they do.

Blizz said they pulled original database back from 1.12. Which means npc health and powers are exactly as they were back in the day.
Which leaves us with only three possibilities:

  1. You havent played vanilla and imagining a different thing.
  2. You played on a private server with stats tuned by admins as they saw fit.
  3. You remembering things incorrecly.
Yes they nerfed a lot of things here.

  1. I played Vanilla, from October 2006.
  2. No, I never played on a private server.
  3. I remember a lot of things incorrectly from way back then, but some things I remember - and have screenshots to refresh my memories.
    A lot of things are as hard as I remember, but overall Classic is easier than Vanilla.
    Strangely Classic feels easier than Demo and stress tests - I did not get Beta invites, but played all I could on the stress tests. And no, I’m not getting suddenly better because it’s the real thing :wink: The last toon I leveled in stress test was as hard for me as the first.
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i was there on day 1 back in 2004. Don’t try to tell me I have alzheimer’s and bad memory. I know for a fact that the elites back then in low level dungeons hit like tanks.


Blizz said they pulled original database back from 1.12

Well actually that database was heavily changed to bring it up to date in schema, but yes I doubt the values changed.

I think using the later nerfed patch was the problem.

I too played from 1.11.0. As recall I just used to press buttons randomly while still completely destroying everything in sight on my mage. Never did get into Naxx though, maybe some hard stuff there dunno. But for me the game began to feel even remotely challenging only in wrath. Before that “roll my face on my keyboard until everything is dead”

Memory gets kinda twisted in 15 years of time, think even science can prove this.
You just remember it being harder than it was, just like any game you played as young.
Then if you go try them, they magically aren’t really as difficult as you remembered.

And i’m not denying 1.12 is propably easier than launch version, but this is what blizzard decided to go with. But this is just as easy as 1.12 vanilla ever was.

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I soloed the elite Orc in Wetlands at the same level the other day, Nekrosh I think his name is…didn’t even have to use Lay on Hands…I was like…WTF is this?

I’m about to try and solo the under water elite Murloc quest in STD…should be a cake walk now that I’m 1 level higher than the quest. This is defo not what vanilla used to be like. I dunno about all the conspiracy stuff but this is number 1 BS for sure.

I hate to say it but… Mirtle was right :open_mouth:

Yeah and a few years back when they were refusing to do CLassic they also said they’d lost all the data.
They’re full of it, don’t believe a word they say.

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Theres only you keep bringing that hashtag up.

Seen it 10+ times the last couple of days, first time ever saying that

heck even first time ever typing a # here so … no

Broken budget store trashed economy vanilla > bfa

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People who think they remember perfectly how difficult elites were to kill back in vanilla 15 years ago are honestly kidding themselves. Your memory doesn’t work like that.

Blizzard has the actual data, not private servers or your imagination. Besides our hardware is thousand times better than back in 2004 and not even taking account player age and skill. Elite that was hard back in 2004 can be a snoozefest nowdays because of these alone.

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Or just hope they continue this with TBC and release it with proper difficulty.