This is not funny anymore Blizzard

The Yseras death in legion were already sad enough, please no more killing old heroes. :weary:


I’d rather she stay there. Obviously she’ll be back when the plot demands it, so until then you can wait as tedious as that is. Just like her finding all the souls.

She was last seen going into the Maw to do penance for her sins. Retrieve as many souls as she can.

Kinda like the dailies we had :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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Ah good so its possible for her return still

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and the sylvans we player kenw is the sylvans of WoW, not warcraft 3, and as living one a side charklter, onle at her undead stage she became relevant for the further story of the warcraft franchise.

god joke, in her stort shore it mentioned, teh are arrows in her quiver,a and we see how much she cared…with plunging them in the next great war and then betrays/left them.

yeah, horde, espacaly Forsaken charker want dealy a Führer like charkter, to raise the the right arm for the Horde, “yelling hail Warchief/ Bahsee queen”

nah ty. Sylvanas is actually overused and boring character in the lore…

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I remember sylvanas mostly from the forsaken capital in uc in vanil and just thought she looked cool. In legion I liked the cinamatics they made of her giving the speech after vol’jins death and all that. I think she is as major part of wow since the beginning as Thrall, I dont follow lore alot or raid so dont know what goes on there in expansions related bosses but I do find the original heroes part of wow and would hate to see them disappear one day.

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Sylvannas need to have a 2nd chance, Arthas has stolen her body, spirit, life and future.

I agree let her atone for hersins and then comeback as the leader of the high elves along with her sisters

We dont want 2 spoiled girls, their human husband and half elves kids blasphemy.

Keep those 2 “high elves” in your rank, thanks.

Silvermoon is not a trash box :man_elf:

For the love of God, please take English grammar lessons. Even if it’s just one.

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And yet, it was sylvanas free decision (after shee broke free) to fight the living, joining the hirde and allowe the research, development and use of the blight.
It was her decision allone at the end of wotlk to follow the jailior and support his plans.
She acted on free will the whole time, she decided (or lately destroyed) her future by herself, and must face the consequences for her actions.
The us no way to redeem her after what ahe have done on full purpose (and conscience)

woud be more easy if there is a (free) browser plugin which (auto) tranlate your Text from one language to the other.

I don’t think reversion of undeath should be possible, second chances aside, it would open a can of worms in the lore that would make no sense, it would be shadowlands tier rewriting of worldbuilding if not worse.

Things like (but not limited to™) undeath, wretched, lightforging, voidification, felification, demon huntering and witherering (final stage) should be irreversible

I’ll be honest man what blizzard did to nelves in dragonflight might be worse then what Sylvanas did to them
condemned them to a patch island of a narratively weak expansion and allowed horde members to just walk around there
and the guards attack you the night elf if you try to pvp them

The tree isn’t even theirs either, its the dragons, it empowers the dragons, it does nothing for nelves (iirc)

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they are introducing void paladins…so at this point… “possible” is rigged

Would be nice if they just introduced all the paladin races they’ve been hinting at.

I’m not sure what to believe on the all races for all classes to be honest
It might as well be dead, or they are waiting for something to complete like class skins

But the fact that the Evoker, a class exclusive to its race and a race exclusive to its class was released and that the new allied race of Earthen does not have access to all classes makes me wonder if they still even plan to do it

Because if I was going to make all classes for all races, I would give any new race all classes

So this makes me feel like they either gave up on all classes all races (personally I’m happy because I value lore integrity but I can understand others would not be happy with this) or they are waiting for a way to deliver it properly, as they stated was needed for some classes like paladin and I think shaman was also mentioned but definately paladin because of how spiritual they are by nature they need to fit the race they are a part of properly (like blood knights or sunwalkers or prelates or vindicators, etc)

I think she will be back for Midnight and then willingly go back to the Maw.

Why did they randomly give her human eyes…

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Wait 2 years she’ll be back in midnight in a major role. She can die defending her homeland again or homelander, seems more her type :joy:

Can’t explain that one I’m afraid.

Her soul was split by frostmourne. Her normal eyes are returned after she gets the other half back

But she wasn’t human before.