This is not okay, rework only on 1 tier set?!

So you devs decide marksmen has enough time for a rework + balancing but nothing for any other class?
What about the warlocks and warriors who have complained about being FORCED to take talents just to use thier tier next season!?
I wasnt gonna post anything because i had hope they would bring something this week or something for all of the other classes that have gotten feedback but NOOO!!!
We must force players to play OUR way and not the way they want because that would involve FUN!

Im sick and tired of being forced to do stuff that i dont want to do and now with the new talent tree im not up for it.
After playing warlock for over 2 years and switching over to pally as with current meta its impossible to climb as dps in m+ and now we are forced to play a specific way, i rather do 2x the amount of m+ just to get dps gear than wait 5x the amount of time and play in a playstyle i dont like.

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You’ve got 2,2 rio… Not what I would call climbing.

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you even read my post? I said on warlock, not pally!
My warlock is on 2,7k as it just started to get super slow and hard just to get a group that is decent or even get into 20s.

I love the fact that you are blaming the groups.

Warlocks are clearly able to do the content.

Now, what you said is key here. Really think about it:

Indeed, key! You need to join a group where you function optimally. Yet, how to do so?

As you are pushing score, you will meet different people and different clicks. When you find someone that you enjoyed playing with, you add them to your friendslist. I mentioned this a hundred times, prob will do a hundred times more - Networking is key to your success if you want to push. You need a stable group of people, that you know how plays and how to work as a team with. The more stable, the better you will perform pushing.

What is holding you back is not the tierset, it is not your class, and it is for sure not an invisible roofing. It is all your lack of networking.

WoW is a social game - and M+ is a team effort. Both aspects are very much about the people. Not class, spec or whatever else. You need to refocus on what is important to achieve your goals. You can easily PuG yourself into the top 10%, but when you closing to the top 1% - all small margins matter. I promise, 100%, teamwork is more than a small margin.

That in turns tells you that networking and creating a social sphere around yourself is alpha and omega to keep pushing up possible.

So in 10.2, I hope to see you at task. That you will have a ton of fun with your new online contacts and get whatever rating you are aiming for! :dracthyr_heart:

the problem is that a warlock in general isnt attractiv to start making a group with.
They bring very lite utility for dungeons compared to other dps classes that are popular.
If i compared it straight with paladin. They can off heal, freedom, bop/bos, self immune and generally are less squishy than a warlock.
What you generally seek in a m+ pushing group is tank with great sustain, any healer/priest, augmentation evoker, mage, SP/any if priest is healer.
All of these classes bring something that most classes cant. Lust, caster buffs, additonal group survivability.

Though my whole post wasnt even about the balance issue and the problem with just m+ affixes, it was about the fact blizzard reworked one class tier 1 week before launch of the patch while ignoring all the others.
Im not mad they did good changes to a class im mad they did that and ignored the others that exist.

Community and guilds could help to solve your problem. I’ve friends with an hunter that made it to the title.

So it’s just lazyness tbh.

Discipline priest set forces us to use right side of the tree. Otherwise bonuses doesnt exists.

holy crap like can people stop being weird on this forum…

OP is talking about an actual issue which is specs being forced to take underwhelming talents because its literally their entire tier set.
Destruction gets a whopping 2.9% dps increase with 5 piece of 460 tier set equipped vs 447 & the playstyle sucks to say the least.

Weird people having to mention Rio for no reason. Like stop moving the goal post please.


Usually I drink my coffee with a single teaspoon of sugar. But sometimes… sometimes I add 3! Ohohohoho~