This is sad [Death of warrior class]

Hey lets be honest. Affixes are on one side.
Other side is that you can build up full ranged dps group and be success, but there is no chance to success with full melee dps group on raid

im happy u feel that way. Not many other do though. I never cry out about stuff like this, but to be the last pick in every aspect of the game (grp content) is not a great feeling. You need to performe way above average even to be concidered. Me as a tank are used to the banter “tanks fault”, but now, as a prot warrior, you are climbing k2 with affixes =(

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fair enough, i play mine casually yeah xD

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tbh yeah it sucks even as healer. I used to like healing prot warriors because I knew they were durable and did good damage so I didn’t need to pay that much attention to them outside big pulls

but now, at least as disc priest, I dread getting prot warriors because, and I dont know if this is all due to player skill or just the class and certain affixes, but I feel like I spend most of the time just tunneling shadow mends into them instead of doing damage, and during moments with heavy AoE the prot warrior is just constantly stuck in the twist of fate range because I can’t keep them up while also having to heal the whole party (unless I have all my good cds up).

sad situation really.

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Couldn’t agree more and I understand your problems with having us as tanks. I am playing Vivaldi on my keyboard just not to wipe on a trash pack i M+.

I understand why people dont want us in grps before like a DH, pally, monk or so on. I cant blame all on class, probablly im not that good either, but I really need to be great if im to performe even % of what the other tanks do in chill mode.

 Sad is the word.

I couldnt even understand what was making them take so much damage compared to BfA, then I saw they made shield block 1 charge on like 16 second cooldown or whatever it is and I’m thinking wtf how are they even supposed to be healable compared to other tanks with permanent mitigation and stronger defensives + selfheals

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Jupp! + thunder clap is not doing enough aoe to keep aggro in so many situations, so you need to scramble all you got. I really hope blizzard will fix us. Re-roll is not my option atleast

I quit my warrior, since I feel zero joy with it anymore
 On the other hand, I’m now leveling this Survival Hunter, and it reminds me of a warrior with a pet.

Serpent Sting = Rend
Kill Command = Mortal Strike (even adds a Bleed if you have the talent)
Carve = Cleave

I’m only a filthy casual so take this with that in mind

I tanked a Heroic Mists on my Guardian Druid with ilvl about 157 (she only just tipped the 155 mark to do HCs) and I was nervous but we made it.

Tanked one with this character when her ilvl was about 177 and it was insane how much harder it was. HC Mists!

Deffo sticking to DPS for now.

this expack m8 melee are in a bad spot not just warriors its melee all over the board.

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