This is not fun anymore or it has any legit reason behind it, and people who spread those lies about warriors should stop it. blizz just made warrior class worse class ever in wow it is even worse than bfa.
I build up my rio score to reasonable number for 9+ but i can pug all day and i can’t get any invite as dps and tank (maybe i can get invite as tank for 4 or 6 but that’s it). Then, i have to make my own group, but no one going to sign up and most healer left when see i am warrior.
Then i have to limit myself with two run with my guild mates. On the other hand, why the hell they put spiteful affixes into game that discourage even more people to get one or no melee classes.
Thats because u are meele. And there is tons of other with higher rio and ilvl than you, has nothing to do with warr.
Depends on key, for +10s there usualy is even more tanks in que waiting.
Also warr was king of m+ almost whole bfa, so idk why u say they ruined it, u cant be best forever and it isnt as bad as u make it.
Because they wanted some change, idk. Its already bad for meeles to be in m+. Even without affixes.
But its funny to see every other meele is crying about afixes meanwhile when ranged had bad affix in past bobody cared.
Warrior has a history of being one of few classes that are always good at least in something.
And just straight fact that WF mythic clear had both tank and dmg proves this wrong and sets warr to better position than other classes, at least from a comunity pov.
When I make my own group for 9+ I only see people with high ilvl but low rio and I barely find anybody with high rio with average ilvl 190-210. On the other hand, pugs are full of hunters wtf ?!
It is not about tanks are in que it is about nobody want to heal prot war and everybody looking for meta tank. I know prot was meta but right now it is not even at mid tier it is on trash tier in people mind.
Because as i said, they either want vdh or it doesnt matter what class it is and simply waiting for highest ilvl/rio.
Ive got declined on paladin, which has far better reputation than pwarr, same on brm, both with better ilvl and rio than needed for said dungeons.
It doesnt matter what class it is, if u are tank which is only one, it isnt declined because its class u less group is looking for specific one ( like full caster group waitin for vdh or full meele party for monk) or healer is leader and wont take dh( example) because they are “hard to heal”.
To he fair, Warriors are quite scuffed this expac - hard nerfs to Enrage damage and haste, hard nerf to Bloodthirst heal, removal of key traits and talents, adding the clickbait single minded fury (I tried it, it’s simply the worst spec ever). Couple that with the loss of arguably the best Warrior trait CSHB and we’re no longer competitive. Even my guild outright said they don’t see a reason to bring more than 1 warrior in a mythic raid.
Also, to those that gonna bring up Limit warriors as an excuse for “the class isn’t that bad”, do keep in mind that Limit are a end-game, world competitive e sports team. The guys there squeeze out the potential of their class to the absolute maximum - something, which 99.9999% of current WoW playerbase can never accomplish. And even with all that, their Arms warrior in the WF kill was at the bottom of the Damage list. Guess what they had at the top - unholy DKs, MM hunters and a couple of boomkins.
Yeah, warriors are bad atm, we need some love, maybe reduce the cost of rampage from 80 rage to 70, maybe buff the dmg of Bloodthirst a bit or just add us some cool new talent to spice things up.
DPS Warriors are one of the if not the worst class in the game rn. Compared to other melee classes like DK’s, Rogue’s, Paladins, and even Monks, the DPS is clearly lacking so much so that Warriors have had just outright damage buffs.
The problem is that Warrior DPS needs a lot more than a 5% damage increase to make it more competitive. It needs to be a lot higher.
well I did my job by convincing my guild officers to get some warriors for raid for their rallying cry to save raid run.
At least you guys can play unholy and blood, but idk is blood dk any good than prot war since I barely see any blood dk to tank dung and raid. On the other hand, blood is super squishy than prot warr and if they don’t focus on their rotation they can get melted easily.
when u have to give Specific Speccs as a Example, its kinda proof of the problem.
no one gives a Damn if 1 specc of ur entire class aint performing, give me a break, u just change specc and boom ur at the top again… u know what warriors have to do? we have to Reroll to use a decent specc.
this whole Specc rubbish is litterally playing the game Against itself. u picked a Class. play your Class.
The M+ u do get an inv to usually starts with some delayed messages from the other people in the grp “oh do we really gotta take him?” - “yeah, no other tank has signed up so lets just try it”… Good pep talk!
Im just sick and tired of feeling useless. I think the raid is going ok how ever im only 10/10 normal 1/10 heroic, but that is more of a guild problem and times tryed.
The thing is i love prot warrior, i think it is such a cool class, we look good and have satisfying abilities (the way they look and feel), how ever we cant with stand anything, we are like a sad bag of leafes! i have the same ilvl and basically gear as a prot pala i play with and the difference is mind bobbing. I’ve read most of this thread and see similiar experiences as you guys do. The packs in m+ totally shredding you to pieces, the ignore pain that is impossible to keep up, the lack of dmg, the cd timers OMG! and so on and so on!
yesterday i was on the brink of quitting. I was like, i love to play, i love my warrior, but to feel like dog s*** in everysingle aspect of the game is not a good feeling. People tell me to reroll. But to be doing what?! I dont feel at home with the other specs and i feel that ive put in so much time in this toon (which is limited in ur 30s with IRL wifes, jobs and so on.).
I really hope Blizzard will fix our class. Because reroll or just swallow it shouldn’t be our only option. Sorry for the long rant, I dont know, just feel sad.