This is so much fun

100 years of wow played.
9000 AV.
Never ever seen alliance summon a tree elite.
I finally got the team hyped and told them what to do.
What happens? Was I about to finally… FINALLLY see the elite summoned on our side for the very first time ever???

We get the druid to the middle field, horde starts kiting her, dead in 5 mins.

I tell the team how much they suck and why.
Not once in my life did I get this close.
Horde has been summoning their ice lord elite in EVERY GOD DAMN GAME for the last 2 weeks, every day and night non stop…

And what does the team do?
Any empathy? Anyone says their sorry they are so bad?
LMFAO are you kidding me? No way.
Classic alliance proud kids: telling me “u mad bro” and “shut the f up” “rage keyboard warrior” etc., aaaaaand I’m reported and kicked out the BG.

This is your toxic community Blizzard.
All thanks to your report / bad language bullshhh policies.


Take a deep breath



It took me 4 or 5 attempts. First time horde killed the druid, then something else happened…and so on. In the end we did it. You should find a few other people interested in this and queue together, the more the better. Don’t rage…it takes nerves.

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Seems like your deserved it.



Deserved what exactly?
Telling them truth?
And they get to kick my kind and keep being bad, never improving, never seeing their mistakes, not having anyone to tell them what to do or why, having a different opinion is a reason to remove us from the game?
What effect does that have? They remain losers who keep loosing, that is why alliance sucks. I got 80 AV matches played, won barely 20 of them.
This is what you think makes a good game or team??

Imagine the majority of the BG was my kind, and 40% of the team are like those people who don’t care, who just “wanna have fun” and zerg mindlessly loosing every game… and we decide to ABUSE I mean through the means of DEMOCRACY kick report them all while laughing… I bet you would object the hell out of that crying oh no that’s not fair… Biased much??

Where are your logical arguments? Can you even debate these issues?
All you people do is fire off emotional knee reflex NPC jargon “rules are rules” hurr durr… players like that ruined this game. No team work effort SUGGESTIONS even allowed, instantly removed from the game “because muh feels”. Jesus.

Tell me, what would you do if there wasn’t such a stupid policy like reporting for speech in this game? Exactly. You would shut up and just DEAL WITH IT.
You would man up and realise people like me are in the right, that what we say is true and looking at the numbers, dmg, heals, strategy, lost games over all etc., all the meta data, you would come to the conclusion that your way isn’t working.
Do you honestly enjoy having a 80% lost ratio?
That’s why you join pvp? To spam “resurect” at graveyards non stop, getting destroyed by the enemy day in all night long?
Wow, much fun indeed. Sign me up. What a good time that must be.

Get out of my game.

This has to be satire… Could cut the air of entitlement with a spoon.


Yeah, i realised this is a bait thread. If not, i suggest you:


Not an argument.
“This is bait because I say so”.

Let me put it in another way: A BG is for pvp.
The main objective is to win the match by competing, mostly achieved by killing more enemies faster than they do you, which allows your team to push in and activate certain goal mechanics, flags, towers, boss kills, resources.

A BG is not for pve.
Sure AV does have quests that you return in the pve world at hillsbrad and I have no problem with this. By all means do those things if you have to, since they are not repeatable and a one time only event. Doesn’t affect the overall longevity of hundreds of AV matches.

What would you say if I brought a premade group of 30 ROLE PLAYING buddies in white gear into AV, who wouldn’t fight at all, just walk around and drink tea. 10 of you would go “hey uhm, that’s not how this is supposed to go down here”.
We laugh, bully kick you all off with report majority votes. You like them apples?
You can’t complain about anything. This is the game you signed up for, read the rules, working as intended. Queue the smug “Problem? U MAD?? xD” taunts.

Since you failed to identify the original question between the lines,
let me ask you again, very clearly:

What gives the other half of the players the right to be entitled?

I clarified why I am right about what one is supposed to do in a BG: win.
That is the goal in 99% of all the BG’s that I know. Feel free to name one BG where you are supposed to lose.

I spoke out my stance: I join a BG because I want to win.
You instantly attack me with slander, calling me a bait (troll),
and belittle me by saying I am ENTITLED.

On the other side of the spectrum we have those who oppose my stance:
Players who either do NOT want to win, or who don’t care if they win or lose.
So what makes you defend THOSE people?
They are clearly equally entitled, they buy the game, pay for it, join a BG, and do whatever they please, but for some reason you don’t call them out.

Go on. I’m waiting you flame baiting troll without even any effort to bring up an argument. What gives them the right to push their playstyle upon me?
Why do I have to accept being kicked out of the BG which rules I was clearly following?

This is what total destruction looks like.
140 iq. Get some. Come on little punk troll.
What’s your next move? Slip and slide… personal attacks, call me crazy “dude chill take your meds lol amirite guise?” while you nervously look around elbowing your buddies seeking for validation, after which you walk away laughing, still not having addressed any of my points.

You lost.
Keep punching up though, appreciate the effort.

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I’m not reading all that drivel, this isnt a contest of who can write the biggest blog. Here is a short tldr of why you were kicked:

You spouted your opinion in the bg, the majority didn’t like your opinion and they didn’t ask for it so decided to kick you.

Correct and certainly not for reading the ramblings of some random guy.


Let me put it in another way: A random bg is for people to learn and casual play.
You want coordonated play, make a group with the premade group finder option.
Want hardcore play, play rated with a premade team.

I tell the team how much they suck and why.

How am I seeing this, you started insulting your team and then wonder why they insulted you back.
Don’t expect to be insulting to unkown people and the expect empathy.


A random bg is for people to learn and casual play.

Having their first achievements go back 10 years, with 15k+ ach points, all pvp related stuff done, etc. is a pretty damn long time to “learn”… don’t you think?
All these people have been around forever. They simply never change or improve. Because Blizz is enabling their ignorant behaviour by rewarding them for shutting themself in with likeminded people who ignore external input, constructive criticism, and no, it doesn’t matter if that is given with snappy rage after that person, in this case me, has been trying to give them the same points MANY times before, in a extremely nice tone . Every man has his limit.

I just can’t bother lecturing people about the Dunning–Kruger effect,
because they are simply too dumb to realise it, and when provided with evidence and analysing the circumstances, they resort to group mentality and ostracize anyone who makes them look bad, or in any way even hints that way.
Like they do to me, time and time again.

I have met rare exceptions, humble players who see their mistakes, see my advice as logical, reasonable and for what it is: advice, which aims at making us all better, with the only cost being pride. The problem is, these players are too rare. Maybe 1 in 1000 players I come across actually has the balls to admit what he and the team are doing is bad, wrong, and can be done better, trying to talk them over. And who is then bombarded with spite and slurs by the rest of the team who want us out.

But hey, thanks for this great new idea you just gave me…
True Battlegrounds: random team queue, no premade, different rewards but really valuable stuff, you can only do a limited amount every day, and if you lose you get a looong debuff before being able to join again. Also performance tracking, capping flags/objectives among “time spent in combat” vs “afk or being in stealth”, dmg/healing done, and if you keep being the least contributing member, your debuff after a lost game grows exponentially, in other words you are labelled as a troll who joins just to ruin the game for others by doing nothing to assist your team to victory.

This debuff system alone for current normal random BG’s would be awesome, making sure all leechers and afk’ers play in equally “skilled and motivated” teams where they can learn all they want. Btw there really isn’t much to learn even if you picked up wow today for the first time in your life. Prioritise healers, be aware about flag/gy mechanics. Really nothing you can’t teach anyone within under an hour. So stop making up ridiculous excuses for these people in i380+ with 5 years of wow and 10k+ achieves on their back “but they need to learn”, dude, gtfo with that weak bs.

Tbh ßoomßabe, if you had a higher honor level maybe people may start taking you seriously, but because you have a pathetically low one, nobody is going to care about your problems.


You’d think he/she was joking but the delusion is actually real. Having been in a few BGs with this clown the chat is hilarious.


Just wait for Classic, OP. I would unsub until then tbh. I feel you.

This guy is hilarious.

He should have his own “raging in random bgs” video blog. It would be hilarious.


You really seem to be unable or unwillig to understand the difference between solo / premade / rated queues yet talk about how others are stupid, dumb, etc.

For me, the only way to stay sane in BGs is to accept that a proportion of your team really don’t know what they are doing or are on a different wavelength with different goals. That way you can just get on with it and hope some like-minded people are doing the same thing as you.

Otherwise you’d foam at the mouth and starting ranting, gibbering and calling everyone in your team every name you could think of.

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Yeah you totally should go find some help man.

Also it helps if you don’t talk down to people which is what you seem to be doing alot. People don’t like that.


You need some professional help with your anger management issues get a grip random bgs are for new people and rated ones are for tryhards such as yourself although you need to leave the game your attitude is worse then toxic waste.


Weird flex but ok

I absolutely abhor calling things toxic because I feel it stems from the inability of whoever calls something toxic to deal with whatever theyre labeling without talking badly about it BUT
Judged on YOUR story as you told it here, I dont think they were the toxic ones