This is the least exciting expansion release I can remember

From the early access to the staggered release of M+ and raid, this new release of events and killed expansion release hype for me…


It did dampen the excitement a little for my friends and I. In a way, the past week or so has felt like the end of an expansion, not like the beginning of one.

On the upside, it gave me an opportunity to gear up (pre-season BiS, as silly as that is!) both my shaman and my DK, which gave me more time to decide which of the characters I will raid and do M+ with. I had been undecided for weeks and being able to try both of them with equal gear and all hero talents has made that decision easier.

It was fun for the PvP guys cuz we leveled up some alts in 71-79 BGs.


I may be misremembering previous expansions’ start, but timegating in this one is surreal. I don’t mind having some time to level alts and take care of stuff before the season starts, but the staggering release will delay that even more.

Nothing to do, just level up chars, and gearing them up if you want to play them, but you don’t even need that as you have Adventurer gear from rares that makes heroic dungeons useless from start, yet somehow those feel off as well, everything is just too easy, making it boring.

Bugged quests, AH lag, Warband stuff not working as it should also degrade excitement levels.
Let’s hope the raid will be fun.


i enjoy it
give us time to level alts without being behind in content

i do think the world content could offer more world quests or Secrets / treasures though

Game has been out 20 years. It is absolutely better than WoD or SL. It is the server change, people and social contract. Nobody talks in game no more because they are not allowed to.


no way…WOD had way, way more hype than this. i remember the dark portal bring completely crowded and lively back when WOD was launched

now if you mean the expansion has gotten better, i think i would agree, but the actual release hype is so lame this time around

Most likely you are going to get banned by trying to start a conversation .

Literally the amount of dumbness in 2024-25… is like we have go back to 500 BC…


Nowadays we talk on discord there is no need to talk and write something in game when i can say it to you via MIC it’s easier that way :smiley:

SL had A LOT of hype around it, most of any expack and was the fastest selling of all time. Hardly anyone would now say SL was good. Hype in early days has very little do with how good an expack is, or how fondly remembered it will be.

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I’ve supported Blizzard for 20 years now, this is the first expansion I haven’t bought, they failed to sell it to me, absolutely nothing even remotely pulls my interest in it.

Cinematics usually gave some sort of feeling, goosebumps etc. Haven’t happened since legion.

I will get around to getting it eventually, for 80% off or something.

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80% off, in your dreams lol :joy:

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Time will tell :grin:

Time has told

Just 2 weeks after release, all the zones are mostly empty.

It is good that there is no lag with release or competition for quest mobs. But it is another extreme when the game is empty and feels like a solo game.

The game is simply getting older and less exciting now. There is nothing we can do about that. And M+ won’t help anything. M+ itself is also in a dying situation.

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