This is the reason why healers are not playing

think it’s related to only the healers MMR and not between DPS.
Sometimes I am healing in 2k+ rated solo’s while me and the enemy healer are like 1.8>
So I am sure they made it so only the MMR between healers matter.

Which is so dumb, because that puts automatically less mmr into the healer pool + there is less to gain from winning a lobby.

Also such a dumb concept. My 2,1 healer chars are now put into 2,3 lobbys. Nice seeing people get their Elite while Iam 300 rating below it and still have to face the same enemys as them.

Or on my 1,9 priest now having to heal 2,2 lobbys etc. Feels like blizzard widend the gap between healer and dps mmr again since there arent enough healer for all mmrs…

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this is the expansion where ive seen the most of “superlowhonor level” winning or being top dmg… some classes are just way over the top, while others are just so much below avg its insane

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