This is the reason why healers are not playing
See anything wrong in the picture?
How the f is this still a thing???


it shouldnt be a thing that a honor level 5 Hunter get 5 Wins

“Players who play on new accounts cannot be good”

This is the level on the forum, ladies and gentlemen.

But yeah, the rating gains for healers are weird…to say the least. Gotta keep those healers at the level of the DPSes who have queues three times as long.


it’s just the way personal MMR works, whatever I guess
real problem is …3 games you get the good DPS, 3 games you get the bad DPS
healers 24/7 get a 3-3 for +0 …what’s the point?


who believes this ? i bet he was playing BM

Doesn’t matter, it was regarding the comment overall - which was hilariously idiotic.

U really believe only in good, huh?
I think what he is trying to say is that a Level 5 Honor BM hunter is probably just another cheater on his smurfing account, which were a lot of people doing in the past 4 weeks. But maybe u missed that :kissing_closed_eyes:
old ele cheaters are all BM right now

No, stick to what he said: a HONOR level 5 player shouldn’t win 5 rounds.

What on earth does it say that someone can farm EBGs, did arenas in Legion, etc? Nothing.

It’s just a crap argument, pretending to be all that to nag on BMs. BMs need some…work yes. But let’s stick to reasonable comments. This wasn’t that by miles.

yeah healing sucks in SS
you only gained 8 mmr and 0 cr

20minutes to play for 8 mmr and no rating gain

id straight up quit too

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spotted the honor level 5 BM Hunter

I win 4-2 but no rating gain. What is the point of playing if I can’t climb? I bet if I had lost that 2-4, my rating would have dropped significantly.

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Yeah, sure.

1.) 185
2.) I don’t play Hunter, nor BM

stop hiding your bm hunter, mr 1,3 mage

True and that’s completely broken knowing how much more work a healer needs to put in to get a positive win ratio in a SS…

One thing I noticed on my road to the set this season is how much some healers don’t bother anymore when they spot the weak link, happened to me 2 or 3 times that they would just stop bother and basically clic 3 spells in each game with the weak link to make it go faster.

I understand it, but damn this is toxic :frowning:

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Point made, so it is really not about the honor level after all.


it is, because 185 is nothing

…keep shifting the goal post.

How does this system work? Here is a comparison between 2 solo shuffle games I played recently. I won both 6-0. I have a couple of questions:

  • Why am I getting significantly less rating in second game although the role average mmr is much closer to my cr and my starting mmr is very close to my cr?
  • How did the enemy healer end up in the same lobby with 384 rating? To me it looks like he has just started off with that character.

GAME 1 =>
role avg mmr = 1842
my mmr = 1854
my rating = 1850
my mmr change = +63 (matches now with my new cr)
my cr change = +67

GAME 2 =>
role avg mmr = 1888
my mmr = 1889
my rating = 1890
my mmr change = +37 (matches now with my new cr)
my cr change = +36

Prob because your opponents had less mmr in your 2nd game.

That cannot be since the role average mmr was much only 1 point away from my own mmr. This means that my opponent mmr must have been exactly 2 points below mine.
In fact in game 1 the opponents mmr was way lower than mine but I still got more rating and mmr for winning