This is the sad state of our forum "community"


My [ilvl] [spec] [class] can’t do [Torghast boss] at [layer]. Anyone else having the same issue, or know how to beat [boss]?

Community member 1:

Git gud or quit game.

Community member 2:

Lol, I did [layer] with my [class] naked at ilvl 100 with no powers. [video link]

Community member 3:

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The community - you guys - aren’t even trying to be helpful. It’s like this is any completely random board and not Blizzard’s official WoW EU forum.

Is this how we want to treat each other and appear for newcomers/guests?


No, when people say that they get good advice.

What the person said is “Literally unkillable no fun allowed”.

Theres a big difference.


I actually despise you all


This, if people want help ask for it? Starting a thread asking for nerfs because they can’t beat it is not asking for help.


But, but, but the fishing tips!!! =(

I agree with OP somewhat here, generally the forum community isn’t terribly quick to be constructive as opposed to ridicule. This said there has been a lot of torghast posts which aren’t phrased like they’re looking for advice, but rather just complaining they can’t do something (and replies showed they’re somewhat unreceptive to being told what they could do to resolve this)

It is. It’ just done in a bad way.

A select few are awesome!
I suppose it’s just the loud minority that ruins things for everyone else

What new people go on the forums? There are no new people here. This is like geriatric ward for veterans. Senile bunch yelling at each other about how great it was back in the day and how modernization ruined everything.


Was just like this with Visions. Mythic+ max geared elite players coming on forum saying they could run 5 mask Visions easily so why are players complaining.

You forgot the race and LGBT hate threads.

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There’s nothing to help with if all the OP does is ask for a nerf. Who are we? Ion / Q/A employees / testers / devs …?

To be honest, seeking help on the General Forum is a bit strange
I mean my first would be askin my Guildies who are on the same class ,same spec, to discuss it
Or if I must come to the Forum?
Would ask these questions on my Class sub forum, not in General, where the similar people hang around. As a Hunter would ask: hey guys, how did you manage to do that layer 6 with a MM? I had difficulities
But like Dejarous said

Is totally true
They 99% of the time not there to seek advice or help, just to complain and whine :roll_eyes:

The forum community needs a lot of work, but I think that in time we will all get along and have fun together with good, mature and healthy discussions. :slight_smile:

Remember friends, giving rude or unhelpful answers just because someone is not being constructive and polite due to an emotional outburst isn’t the right thing to do, as it ultimately doesn’t help improve the state of the forum community. Such threads should simply be ignored, or the OP should be helped to see the error of their ways if possible.


As long as we keep certain subjects away, or certain people from certain subjects ^^

At least we are likely to have done the same boss with different classes and might have an idea about how OP might improve his chances to kill the boss.

Are minorities included?


Then the OP should still ask for advice and not just shout out that it needs a nerf because of the mathematical fact that it is impossible.

I don’t see why not. We’re all humans, and as long as people’s preferences don’t harm others, they shouldn’t be treated any different than the majority. :slight_smile:

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I think most of the “forum community” just stopped posting and caring.

You just take a look at the main page, read a few titles and go “Oh well. I rather not” and close the tab again.


Admittedly I haven’t read all the similar threads on the topic, but as far as I’ve understood people are more likely to give genuine advice when the OP is asking for advice - not immediately demanding nerfs.