This is too much

so i saw a post on wowhead on how to get strong in remix, go kill some frogs
i went, killed frogs for about one hour while i was lvl 55, got bored, left.
i’ve been playing remix religiously since its release. i’ve done all the raids except throne of thunder on hc, got a lot of stats, farmed a lot of mobs, done dailys religiously.
then all my progress gets wiped out for that one hour of my 50 hours of /played.
jesus christ. what is wrong with you.
and what is wrong with me for paying monthly for getting my progress removed
for playing an activity from a farm that was popular ELEVEN YEARS AGO.

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well you do know you echnicaly dont own anything in wow in your account ?

it belongs to blizz and they can take it from you under any pretext they want .

thats why buying stuff for real money is abberation :slight_smile: as you legaly dont own any of it.

What a Load of nonsense. With that kind of logic you could invalidate every single post ever made on these forums. Paying customers can complain when the service they are paying for is being mishandled. Blizzard may be within their legal rights to do whatever they want with their property, but they rely on customer satisfaction to keep their buisness alive.
I have no comment on OPs particular case, and find the whole frogger situation ridiculous, but not as ridiculous as that reply.