This macro do not works anymore :(

My question is, can anyone help me to make macro to cast Wing Clip (1 sec cd spell) and Counterattack (that is proc spell) (10% chance to proc), so if Counterattack proc to cast it instead Wing Clip, otherwise cast Wing Clip?

This macro below always worked in past:
/cast Wing Clip
/cast Counterattack

Now that do not works at all, i tried everything that i know, as:
/castsequence Wing Clip, Counterattack
/cast Wing Clip; Counterattack

Plz help me :frowning:

Nothing of what you posted is the correct syntax.

/cast Wing Clip
/cast Counterattack
/castsequence reset=1 Wing Clip, Counterattack

Ye sry, fixed.It do not works and that supposed to work.
Any solution?

To quote the US forums…

Thanks, i got it.They changed

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