So apparently they wanted to reconsider the fantasy of playing marksmanship
So what they did is that they completely rebuilt it to be completely tied to a ghostly eagle doing random meta gameplay effects, they removed eagle eye from BM and SV and eye of the beast from MM, so that your fantasy of a mechagnome sharpshooter sending his drone the recon is dead, and your BM troll who could call forth random wild beast out of thin air, cannot ask a random eagle to watch in the distance for him anymore.
May I add that they removed the possibility to have butchery and flanking strike to “reduce the cognitive load on learning the rotation”
Are we gonna end up with three button action bar ? One filler, one spender and one interrupt ? Is that the goal ?
I’m just starting to uncover all the tragic decisions they took for this patch and so far it’s really bad. Couple that with the fact that talents trees are more and more locked into directions, and that hero talents literally force you some path to optimize their gameplay
Oh god, by the end of the last titan we will be back to shadowlands talent trees
Don’t worry I will let the dev team know right away!
I’m sure they’ll change everything back right away
Less buttons are much better than seventeen rotational buttons which all do the same
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This is the biggest loss for RP.
You play Hunter, embrace the two neurons gameplay and keep asspulling (I too, main Hunter).
Mate. Homie. My friend.
It’s not even been 24 hours yet. Give it some time before rushing to the (incorrect) forum with your verdict.
I remember fondly the days of my rotation being… Shadowbolt.
…you had Shadowbolt as a rogue?!
Damn, pickpocket’s OP, you can straight steal abilities.
I post on Jenit but I’ve mained warlock more expansions than any other class.
Glyph of Disguise really getting out of hand huh
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Sir/ma’am, this is a Wendy’s.
Hey, people keep saying they want Vanilla back.
Vox populi…
Sometimes you had to life tap to get mana back too. Complexity at is finest.
I also had to maintain curse of elements. It was very hard.
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Yes yes, but on the other hand, goblins.
Yeah! make retribution-pallys great again by having their rota revolve around waiting every 10 seconds for crusader strike 
Yh i asked them to simplify it.
My orc brain cannot understand things with more than two buttons.