This post in the US alpha forums perfectly sums up what's wrong with the Hunter trees

While the devs are still active and listening I thought it would be nice to get everyones attention to this very good post on the alpha forums:

Maybe have a look at it and if you agree, leave it a like so the devs know that more work is needed on the hunter trees.


Yeah, I agree with most of the concerns in the post… I’m mainly a BM hunter so I’ll talk about that spec, but that does not at all mean that the other specs don’t need improvement. With the class tree I can understand that it can be difficult to make decisions on what to include considering how different each Hunter spec is, but ironically enough I think it could actually help to include more nodes in the tree so there is more choice and more ways to get to certain abilities. As for the BM spec tree it always bugged me how we have to spend 26 points just to get back our baseline abilities, (admittedly we do get an additional 10% pet dmg and 50% chance for KC to not cost focus without these two it would be 22 points) and in addition, 2 of our end-tree talent points are both just passive abilities, one of which takes 6 out of our remaining 10 points to max out, meaning that if we want the bestial wrath cd reduction we can’t get rylak which let’s face it, will most likely be mandatory for that 35% crit.

Not super likely. Rylaks is honestly pretty weak. It’s only good right now because most of BMs legendaries are not super powerful, remember it wasn’t even optimally used till season 3 of shadowlands.

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