I thought the trouble of pugging mainly in 8s and up but got to play my new rouge with my own key (2+ Mist) i litterly waited 1 hour and 48 min to form a grp ppl … the idea forming your own grp and you should be fine is not true this season
Well there is healer and tank shortage, due to the punishing nature and them having to do most of the work.
So they tire more easy, and cannot do many keys as dps can.
I can do 20 10+ as dps back to back. But im worn out after 5 as a healer.
Did a farming session yday where i did 10x +8 and 1x +10 as healer. I saw double. Was so tired felt like ive been running a marathon.
hahahaha I (as many others) can relate
especially when i run dungeons as tank
There is deficiency and reliance, in terms of the tank and healer pugging scenario.
At least, for me, the straw that broke the camel’s back is repeated dps offenders spouting toxic statements at me for not overhealing them for self-saving things such as the Corruption beam in Grim Batol from the last few packs.
Having methods to track party CD’s - such as Feign Death, Vanish, Shadowmeld etc. - that could easily delete the ability NOT being used did not help my mental sanity.
I rejoiced when I got into later key groups formed by communities and guilds.
This isn´t really the issue, as you know that before taking on the role and accept it knowingly.
The issue is that I´m not getting paid to deal with trolls /elitist jerks /toxitards in addition to that, so why should I pug as a tank or healer and open myself to babysitting a group of professional muppets that will always fault me for even their most obvious mistakes?
Nah, F them, let them tank or heal and learn some humility. If and when that ever happens (it generally doesn´t , instead tehy come to teh forums and whine about queue times), then maybe I´ll Pug again, or possibly even be willing to allow them to raid with us again…
the moments i want to delete wow for ever because i cannot believe how bad people play because they dont understand basics of their class.
gotta love it if you have 3 poison dispels in ara kara and nobody ever press that button, because muh dps loss or they didnt skill or forgot to bind it. but its fine, let the healer pull 1.5m hps in a +10 just to reach the first boss kek.
doing keys as healer is exhausting after a while
gotta love it if you have 3 poison dispels in ara kara and nobody ever press that button, because muh dps loss or they didnt skill or forgot to bind it.
I took the liberty and inspected your logs, and tell me - did you experience this in DF S1, S2 or S3? I bet not? You were in the 2400 rio range in DF S1 doing 17-18 keys, I was in the 2700 rio range doing 19-20 keys. The current key squish has kinda forced us into the same key range as those who were in 1500-2000 range, doing 8-11 keys. And the absurd difficulty curve. Everything has been made so “compact”.
You, as a healer, gotta have noticed an insane difference in skill level in pugs. Healers usually are the first to notice/differ a good from a bad player based on how he uses pots, defensives, positioning etc. I am personally astonished how low quality it is on the players doing 11-12’s at the moment (again, THANKS TO THE SQUISH). In almost every single run I, as a Hunter, has more than double the interrupts than at least 1 of the melees in my group. Not even joking a little bit.
A real kick to the ego, going from being a pretty decent top %1-%5 in pretty much every season/expansion to barely top 10%. And I guess the same goes for you; from top %5-10 to top 25% now or something.
And also, tell me, did you experience all this toxicity? I guess not? Because you played with players in your own skill range. You/we didn’t have to worry about people not knowing when to use CCs, interrupts, defensives.
When I run my own keys, I barely even pick any of the meta classes in the que because I know that 9.5 out of 10 that signs up is fotm players and straight up sucks at both playing their class and understanding the game. All that counts for these people are the numbers on the damage meters but they don’t care about being the highest on the damage taken meters, or lowest on the interrupts/healing meters…
And, in past seasons, before the squish, I didn’t have to deal with these kind of players because I was playing in keys above these wannabe-elitists.
Of course it frustrates people to have to play with people that are lower/higher their skill level. I have experienced more toxicity in pugging so far in TWW S1 than I have all together since Legion, and that isn’t even a joke.
And I am with you all the way and agree with everything you say.
Linking this chart as I did in another thread to show the insane curve of difference between 10-11-12.
i am in the range i want to be not because i am force to. in season 1 i wanted to play only pvp but it was so terrible that i decided to quit pvp and play m+ i didnt really try to do portals because i cba. I could have reached 2.7k rio with ease if i wanted to.
the only time i played above max reward range was because i was bored and those 22 keys or whatever i ran were still easy.
right now i also dont want to bother with +12 keys whem i read forumd and people moan about 10% completion rate.
i work too much to sweat at the weekend as well
yes it is unfortunate. as healer you have to make up the slack of dps players that dont know where theirs buttons are.
at least at this point we already over gear 1s again so that they are a walk in the park for the most part and quite chill. here and there you have a not so great run if people take too many unnecessary hits or if someone gets carried again by the tank or whatever.
+4s are muuuuuch much worse than +10s actually.
In another thread people tell me i shouldnt leave keys if people are terribad.
I legit had a +4 key where the tank died every second trash pack within 3 seconds and then he asked “heal???”. when you tell them that they maybe should prrss irgnore pain, they answer they are 3.2k rio main and i am just bad and should l2p.
is that because now you cannot run +12s or something?
I can understand you, luckily it doesnt affect me as i never watch at what skill % i am because i just play for rewards and then switch to alts. I never tested my skill limit because i dont have enough time to play unfortunately.
i typically pick whatever has decent io and ilvl just to get going as quickly as possible.
so far i think my +10s have a 100% success rate and the 8s i ran were also almost 100% success. dunno maybe i am lucky
yep. I dont know if i am better or not. I dont mind people get hit here and there by avoidable stuff if it isnt soooo obvious that they dont bother to move. But by now i already get triggered that nobody uses their dispells or any defensives for heavy hits.
I probably should also switch to dps and just slack my behind off eatching youtube while running keys or so lol
“Its a healer problem :)”
“Its a healer problem :)”
“Its a healer problem :)”
Yeah, a good way for healers and tanks to deal with problems is not to get involved in it at all! \o/ I’ve had great peace of mind since then.