This thread is about players who are accused of racism!

Dear friends, we are playing WOTLK in Firemaw PVP server, some of our members were away and we just tried to fine people from pug; however it was noon and tried 2 times with different groups and there were new people etc. and i told my guildies that we make it few hours later; i thought that if i limit 5350 + prob more people would know tactics and better smooth fight. Honesty, it took along because of weekend and sunday maybe no idea but it took some time to create 25m HC TOC and at last we would looking for a shadow priest for last spot; one of my guildies has to quit and i kicked 2 offlines to create better adjustment for clean progress. The nightmare started after this and some of players were leaving so fast and i noticed that a player [redacted*] This Player typed “irani raid” about us and pissed of our raid before we start everyone left from the raid immedately and all effords gone! First of all we are not irani nor spain etc.
I don’t know why he did but we are ignoring and report him please take care about [redacted*]. I know it’s kinda report someone but this thing is realy felt me kick from the balls from a liar. I don’t mean ignore him etc. i wanted to let people how bad if you blame or provoke someone via racial subjects may harm people raputations and relations between other players.



You may not name or shame players on the forums, best to edit their names out.

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Also same server [redacted*] added said irani dada i don’know what does that mean dada ?

They don’t shame, so i don’t see any confliction about it. You can say your ideas about racism.

We’re talking about what you’re saying about others as this is your post, ergo “shaming players” by naming them with their supposed actions.

Good naming, I don’t know if you have proof but it’s not nice when people racist each other like that. Come on blizzard I wonder what you’re doing there’s a growing toxicity in the game

I mean, it’s okay to be racist but it’s wrong to write their names, I don’t understand.

The former is not said anywhere here.

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