This week i'll know

if i can finally delete my warlocks ( used to have 4 max level locks per xpac) and recover them for 10.0, so that it doesnt bother as much as now on my char list.

or if 9.1 is encouraging enough to give it a try there.

99% sure its option 1, but 24hr left


Can’t wait to see the patch notes. High hopes for 9.1. But I fear the worst.

Move on, if you don’t enjoy playing the class, there’s no reason to keep playing it.

The feaverdreams of changes people want in the forums will not happen.

Stop being so attached to one specc or one class in an mmo and play what you enjoy playing or what is fotm if that’s your cup of tea.
Nothing is holding you back.

which is litteraly what im sayin
but ok, thanks sensei

+1, but I don’t think smthg’s gonna change, maybe they will tweak some random numbers and that’s it, nothing more.

Let me guess some fixes in blizz style, boys:
Nigthfall proc deals 60% increased damage (was 50)
Siphon life now costs 450 mana (was 500)
Dreadlah talent have 9 yard range now (was 8)
Nether portal cast time reduced to 2.3 sec (was 2.5)
Entropy grants buff for 6 sec (was 8)
Imp damage reduced, to fit other pet’s damage.
And some hilarious overall, like " we are currently working on improving not very popular talents fell free to reach higher results with it. With love bliz team"
At least we can expect some scalling issues, as far as warlock has extra dps stat (stamina) in demo tree, and higher dot’s scalling in affliction. Maybee, something will start to play.
p.s. Most expected fix for me is mage’s combustion reset time increase.


I think because of the pvp talents changes we get demon armor baseline and maybe Rapid contagion and rampart Affliction

9.1 PTR notes have dropped.

Looks like Afflic has been nerfed a bit and Destro is getting some love in PvE and PvP.


And Demo also, the Fel Obelisk sounds great. With Tyrant and the dmg buff to pets after Tyrant

Bitte I want to know, if the Fel Obelisk is a only for the active demons or does it empower all summons


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