This zero skill class has to be nerfed asap

Sick of getting griefed by fury in wpvp because they know their monke keyboard class is extremely broken. Heals like a healer, better MS, zero downtime, impossible to kite.
Feels good as ret to see war heal more than us /thread

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Breaking News her straight from the EU Forums!

Retribution Paladin, 78, was killed by a Fury Warrior, 80, after going into Warmode.

Anyways… Back to Lucy and the weather.


Not to worry, if they do implement the 11.0.5 changes, then charger will automatically giv Hand of Freedom every time you use it for 3sec. With all the new movement buffs, you will have probably gain 145% movement speed.

The forums thing is not updated lol. I am 80 and we both had PvP gear…relax.

Breaking News from the EU forums yet again!

More updates come tomorrow at eight!


Once again, Paladin not being godlike for 1 single week:


Paladin has not been godlike since rework lol.
Healing more than hybrid as pure dps is a huge fail and you should admit that.

Breaking News directly from the EU forums!

Warrior can now heal others better than hybrid healer classes can. How, why and huh?

We go to Ðvalin to hear what he means:

Thanks for those wise words. Now back to Lucy who currently is waiting with words about the new Bee-siness out in TWW. Stay tuned!


People like you are so terminally online lol.
Thinking you are funny but it’s just pure cringe.

Oh no…the ret off heals will dominate the game. It takes only 10 WoG’s to top someone from half HP. Only 30 holy power lol.

Well, as you are coming from an emotional standpoint and POV, logic wont work nor sound arguments. So, trying to have fun with it to hopefully rattle your ego a bit so that you see where you are going wrong - well, it is the only option given to us.

Don’t worry, I get that you feel that and this way, and that is ok. I just hope you recognise from what you are saying is coming from; you being annoyed - and about nothing.

That hopefully, you will turn around and go ‘Yeah, you know what. Maybe I shouldn’t complain loudly about something that isnt a problem.’

Hey, we know that wont happen. Some egos are simply too fragile. Yet, we dare to dream :dracthyr_tea:


First of all, you are a DK, so you are just extending your terminally online issues by talking about things you shouldn’t care about. Defending problems you did not create.

Logic does indeed work, but I have yet to hear one single logical argument when the best warriors in the world, from content creators to people on the pvp discords, state that warrior is not beyond broken.

Please enlighten us from your vast knowledge of pvp, and explain to me through a solid argument, why would a pure dps class heal more than a hybrid class, whilst doing insane damage. You can literally charge > SB > Bladestorm and you will melt any class if they don’t pop a CD. 2 button press class lol.

On extended fights, you heal more than my class for example. I lose damage, and I heal like crap because you have MS and I do not.

So yes, please show me the logical argument. If it’s related to PvE you can stop, because this is not a PvE discussion.

Ok, it is a PvP scenario, so first you got to accept a concept known as CD trading. This is the idea that when player A use X, Player B got to use one of his recourses to counter that efficently.

So, in your scenarios:
Fury Warrior pops all their CDs and starts to spin. What can I Retribution paladin do in such a scenario? Well, there are multiple ways open to you.

  • You can HoJ when you see him going in with TR to soften the blow, forcing a trinky or basically stopping the combo.
  • You can simply use one of your immunities to simply ignore his go. As Fury is extremely frontloaded, that is a very efficent way to trade CDs.
  • You can disengage from the warrior, using example the horse or a knockback grenade to mitigate the impact of the burst upon yourself.

The plays above, require that you got PvP experience, yet they are options.

Let’s take the healing scenario, warrior is low and pops his 2 min CD to save himself.

  • You can again, use an immunity, denying the warrior the potential to heal. Finishing him off.
  • You can use CC tools to stop the warrior from being able to press Bloodthirst to heal during the duration.
  • You can attempt to make the healing more complicated, by semi-kiting, wasting 1 or 2 globals worth of the healing.

Now, do Fury Warrior heal more passively than a retribution through Blood Thirsts, for sure - combine it with victory rush and we talking decent healing output in a more “passive” sense of the word. It is one of the main strengths of Fury Warrior. Yet, that healing potential does stay on par with your own shield and WoG in effect. Now, you keep forgetting one thing: Warrior can only heal themselves, your WoG and BoP (so on), can affect the fight helping others.

I can understand if you dont see any value from that. Yet, denying the extreme value of that is kinda silly. One is a lot more high impact than the other.

Basically, it is a question of your recourses Vs the warrior. How those are distributed and forced.

If you can force a PvP trinky early, that is huge for when the warrior need to enraged heal himself later on - a simple HoJ will shut down the fight.

Now - I am not sure what your point is about how easy it is for the Fury Warrior to dump their Cool Downs. When Retribution works the exact same way. Both specs are fronloaded bursters.

I am glad you are talking about Warrior Discord, cause, well - I am there, as you said: Terminally online, and all that. Yes, warrior, Fury warrior is currently really strong. Any high-burst with effective damage class will be. Including Retribution paladin, funnily enough. Yet, Fury Warrior is not considered ‘beyond broken’. Beyond broken is reserved for Retribution paladin, as an example, DF season 1 - when the class literally oneshot others 100 to 0 with one DT.

Of course, we can argue terminology, yet - to me it sounds like you are simply trying to and aim to blow things out of proportion.

I am sorry that you feel that warrior do a lot of things better than you on your retribution. Hey, it might even be true. Yet, this seems likely to me to be more a you issue, not class.


Oh man, I love following this thread xD

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I’m waiting!

Give me more news! :rofl:

Beautiful time to be a Warrior, every day more come to grovel, to lament.

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Ret pala states other class are no skill. What an irony.


Warrior is the God Tier class in all ways so why are you surprised? It is as it should be.