THORGAHST BUG ...long long time ago galaxy far away

Achievements RAMPAGE + AVANGE ME! in Thorgast in the Shadowlands they are still broken after several months and support refuses to fix it. Next time they can come up with another fabulous metaachievement that they can’t finish. Oh, how I miss the old and perfect Blizzard support and their online chat. The problem was always solved within an hour. RIP


It is not Support’s job to fix bugs but Q&A/Devs. They will prioritise whether to fix bugs or not and if it can be fixed.

While in the old days they may have assisted, developer policy states they cannot do this without specific instructions to prevent it from breaking anything down the chain which did happen unfortunately, an issue that literally broke a toon.

If you didn’t yet, report the bug through the ingame box. Not through a GM ticket.


It is confirmed as a bug here for the achievement “Rampage” if there’s a new bug you can still submit one through the above method.

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Things that have been bugged for that long no longer have much to do with priority, this is laziness and/or neglect.

I think i read somewhere they were fixing this with the pre-patch, let me see if i can find it.

It was this i read. Dont have more info then that…


As Sinaaki posted, it may be fixed with prepatch. And yes, it does have to do with priority and also if it doesn’t break other things.

Incorrect, a bug report resulted in a known problem support article and then a pending fix coming prepatch as Sinaaki posted above. I recommend submitting a bug report unless you don’t want things to get fixed, ever.

Be mindful of your inappropriate conduct on the forums, thanks.

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Yes, people knew how to be polite to customer service agents back then, we’re now in the Karen age where people think it’s perfectly fine to abuse those that are trying to help.


As someone who has the meta achievement since Shadowlands, if they don’t know a workaround or a fix for it, just remove it from the requirement of the meta achievement lol.

Theres no excuse for this.


I wouldn’t hold my breath at Blizzard fixing old bugs, especially of older expansions… we still got bugs 10+ years old.


And how easily a bug can be replicated, if it can’t be replicated it is hard to fix. Some bugs are more stubborn than others.

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In this particular case yes. But many times it doesn’t happen and people are sending bug reports to void. Wowhead comments of bugged items are full of stories like that.

What this is about? Complains about poor Customer Support now considered as violation of CoC?

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