Thought this was a strong Allaince PVP realm?

So far it’s been a Horde camp fest, mostly level 60’s camping or groups of similar levels as me but a group none the less camping, but there is zero Alliance team work or WPVP support.

Cult of the dead in particular seem to enjoy setting level 60’s on level 30’s and spawn camping them, I mean ok you win you one shot me for days at a time but not sure there is skill involved, if that’s how you get kicks? Might need to go out a little more or loose that virginity.

SO anyways I joined this realm after reading about how balanced it is, yet so far I aint seen anything other that total Horde dominance.

Anyone looking to join thinking this is a good Alliance realm for WPVP it’s the same as every other realm, Horde own it.

I think all the PvPers of the Alliance are busy grinding BGs right now. Horde has longer queue times, so maybe that is why you see some bored 60s ganking lower levels.

After playing on both Horde and Alliance sides of Zandalar Tribe I can safely say there are many more min/maxer types on the Alliance side. Consequently they went the most ‘efficient’ way of farming at first in phase 2 before battlegrounds (i.e. farming and camping honor kills without shame non-stop) and now I assume they are using the most ‘efficient’ way again which is sadly AV, so you won’t be seeing them out and about. That’s my theory for it. On a plus side, it’s great for finally leveling my Horde alts :smiley:

all your zerg is in AV with the instant queue, sucks to be you i guess


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