Thoughts about feral druids on P3 (DPS)

There should be things that we don’t know:
Striking a target with Lacerate, Swipe, or Maul has a 15% chance to reset the cooldown on Mangle (Bear) and grant 10 Rage. Striking a target with Mangle (Cat) or Shred has a 5% chance to reset the cooldown on Tiger’s Fury.
Striking a target with Lacerate resets Mangle???
If they don’t give us a second slot for hands this is imposible :smiley:

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I got really good news my fellow kitties!!!

Looks like we are not being forgotten, lets pray too for p3 rune being fixed / boosted and then we can continue riping and biting everything :smiley:

Now stop whining , every phase u get something :rofl: where Are the rogur only items

What’s the link?

I can’t open it as I’m in a country that doesn’t allow it :rofl: Desperate to know though

What a joke. More mechanics/items with cds and other effects forcing us into the janky power shifting playstyle. What is this? They had a golden opportunity to make feral druids fun and viable in SOD, but they have failed completely.

Why should only feral mechanics rely on casino style rng effects, 3 min CDs and a band aid player invented mechanic like power shifting? Its stupid and not rewarding at all. Is it so hard to give us consistent output that doesnt rely on gimmicks?

Relax, 20 man raid doesnt need more than 1 feral, so you better switch to another spec

Agree with you 100%. Its like they dont even try to give us something new and fun. Istead of actually fixing the problems with the class ie. lack of energy and dps, they just gives us “the fix” of consumes and forcing us to unfun and complex powershifting playstyle. We already have probably the most complex rota and now we HAVE to use powershifting. Yet classes with 2 button rotations are wrecking the meters. I actually hoped that they wouldve fixed the problems of the spec and not feeded into it.

What do you mean? You think there is gonna be just 1 melee group?

Excuse me ? You don’t expect a 10 melee dps in 20man raid, do you ? If so, you just gotta be kidding…

Well the fact is I dont know yet. Our guilds raid comps are pretty 50/50. In gnomeregan melee were behind because bosses had ridiculous amount of armor, but we have no idea about ST bosses yet. Besides Melee hunter is looking to be pretty op with new rune to RS, also rogues are looking good. Remember that in classic at lvl 60 most raids were almost full of rogues and warriors because they started to scale so good in higher levels.

I personally 100% prefer powershifting over the boring use CDs and keep up bleeds playstyle.

Why tho? Its just pushing one macro to instantly get 60energy? And its not like you still dont have to keep on bleeds :sweat_smile:

it makes the rotation atleast somewhat special and gives them a unique playstyle?

Theres plenty of other classes that have the retail cat playstyle :man_shrugging:

I just mean that powershifting is just boring one button to push to make it somewhat viable. I am actually kinda bummed that sod feral is basically just a copy paste of wotlk kitty. Would much rather have something new rather than a version we already have.

me too

i think they will make changes at 60, it just makes no sense when mutilate outperform every other rogue combo builder by far.

catnip is nice

As i said before, i prefer to powershift instead being a super-nerfed version of a rogue where you have to wait 6s to use a single skill and then repeat until you get bored / boss is dead. Maybe feral druid is not the best choice for you ^^

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