Thoughts about feral druids on P3 (DPS)

I do love powershifting a lot. Thats the main reason why im playing as a feral druid.
Im a semi-tryhard player which loves every upgrade that can be made to my character, and watching the new content that P3 is gonna gives us, i feel like we are going to be on a not-so-good spot in comparison with other classes / specs. Here are my reasons why:
-1. We got a new non-farmeable weapon from Gnomeregan that we probably carry through next phases only for his use. However, its a pretty big nerf for us (comparison against the old pummeler) in exchange for some quality of life. Not worried too much about this because probably new weapons solve this.
-2. The new rune looks bad. Simple. Not complaining about the bear counterpart, 15% is a pretty fair chance. But 5% on the cat side does not fit at all in comparison with, for example, lock and load from hunter or pandemic from warlock, i mean… youre lucky getting a single proc in a 2 min fight (1/20 shred procs and ONLY shred will). Auto-attacks should benefit from it aswell to be competitive.
-3. The lack of info about any new helmet that replaces Wolfshead Helm makes me think we will carry this item for a long time. Dont misunderstand, like i said before, i love powershifting, but i don’t know if his intentions in giving us that rune is to avoid powershift. Besides the fact that we esentially “lose” a piece of gear
-4. This is a quality of life improvement basically. Some changes has been done allowing Balance druids to cast a few spells like Combat Ress, Mark of the Wild and Innervate on Moonkin form. I think is fair enough to allow feral druids to do the exact same thing as they do, and ALSO being able to drink a potion without leaving form.

And i think thats it, not crying too much, just the necessary :smiley:

I talked with A kitty in our guild that is pretty hyped about that new Rune for some reason.

He wrote

I love Gore allready
With shape shred is gonna Get spammed
Then also getting resets on Tigers fury
According to him better combo gen then rogue

Only complain he had that he still getting ooc at lvl 50!

This is greek for me 2bh But maybe it helps you in some way :raised_hands:

He has played kitty for A long time. And if he says its good i believe him

I dont think the same way he does because of the low % on ONLY shred cast. Like i said before, to be competitive it should benefit aswell with auto-attacks. 5% is a pretty weak percentage that most of the times it will not proc on an entire boss fight

I dont know m8 , just copy pasted What he said. He is pumping pretty hard! Hope kitties Get some love aswell!

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It should procc from bleed ticks and the problem would be solved


Really good point. I rather swap mangle for bleeds and it will be waaaay better


So much this! 5% from bleed damage doesnt sound that bad anymore and it would give even more insensitive to up-keep rake and rip! Good call mate

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As a Warlock Tank with 5% proc chance for Grimoire Of Synergy; 5% is way too low and completely unreliable. There are going to be times when you feel strong and time when you feel anemic because of how wild the RNG is going to be. Absolute trash design. It’s also not a new ability or functionality either really. It’s just using Tiger’s Fury more often… Sometimes… When the RNG can be bothered with it…



Incompetent developers.

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Omen is a VERY minor dmg % for Ferals. So it wont matter.

Gore is…idk how to put it. Its a VERY bad rune. Mainly because it can over proc, and most of the time it will underproc.

Bosses will still be dying in about… 30-40sec. Most of them anyways I assume. Which means with a 5% proc on a spell that has a heavy energy cost like shred ? You are looking at multiple bosses with close to zero procs.

And on some bosses it will proc back to back, resulting in a random parse spike that is not realistic of what a cat will be able to do.

So not only are the bosses spazzy, no hit cap, and dodge/miss non stop edited by moderator your powershifts. But now we have to pray that this thing procs. Lovely design. Feral cat is the full casino spec, pull the lever and see what you get. And on that 1 fight that lasts 3-4 mins ? You legit know Gore is gonna proc like 2sec away from TF coming off cd xD

Gore is gonna be the rune that bad Ferals are super happy about, imo. I mean no dis to your friend, I dont think we will be able to pick anything else, so it is what it is. Its just not a well designed rune imo.

Imagine a world where Blizzard understands how Feral Cat is in vanilla, as in its talents. And builds off that ? That would be revolutionary thinking on their part !

Put a rune down that reduces shifting cost by a lot, make shred not have a positional req. or if you keep the req. at least make it so the ability does not suffer from not having expertise, and thus you cant dodge the attack.

Oh look ! Cat is enjoyable and actually pumping out consistent dmg ! Yay, you are not fully praying to rng to win.

5% on a shred… what an absolute joke.


I got to agree. Cat is just a huge lottery machine with all these rng based factors. Let me list some I can think of:

  • Omen of Clarity proc
  • Blood Frenzy (2cp via critting)
  • Lastly Gore 5% chance to reset TF with ability that costs us half of our energy (talented)!

I truly hope they make some changes or adjustements to Gore.

Id much rather prefer a suspension over editing what I write and then locking it @mod

This company… big yikes. Funny part, I cut out the “bad word” myself. Guess free speech is not a thing when calling one of the specs in the game horrific.

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I got your point. Also dont forget about all melee classes are going to get a +5 skill on TWO weapons of their choice, except druids for obvious reasons. We will keep struggling with glancing blows/parrys/dodges while the rest is having a fun time

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Imo a giving us a solid rune with the addition of “Shred can no longer be dodged” would put us on par with the rest in this regard.

Will it happen ? Im not holding my breath.

I feel you. I’m playing a feral cat druid right now and my parse are not even that bad, I average 98-99, but what we lack now is energy generation.

  1. We have a retail-like rotation, somewhat complex compared to classes like mages, locks, etc.
  2. They transposed retail complexity into SoD for us Druids, but with an incredibly slow energy generation. A single shred costs 48 energy and we generate 20 energy every 2 seconds. Basically, after those 15 seconds after Berserk fades, you stay put for 6 seconds until you can cast shred. Ridiculous.
  3. I already played back in the day a shapeshifting feral, and you all know that mechanic is not as easy as it seems when you have to fit it in a rotation. So why classes like locks can just spam incinerate and easily outdo my dps by the HUNDREDS? Why the best feral druids does 666 dps against crowd pummeler with 29 casts between items and abilities whereas the 100th ranked lock does 884 with 22 casts? Lock’s fight lasted 5 seconds more too.
    All this to say where is the reward if I have to add shapeshifting into those casts, that will lead to more shreds and cast in general? Will I be able to be on par with other classes if I use 50 abilities in a minute, whereas lock use 20 abilities? Nonsensical.
  4. The point #3 is just an example. I could have picked the 100th mage or the 100th shaman, it’s just an example. Citrutwo, the 100th ranked lock,
  5. To further explain point #3: I can’t use 30% more abilities than a class and deal 30% less damage than said class. And what’s devs solution? Let’s add MORE CASTS to druids with shapeshifting. What the * is with this reasoning?
    We’re basically playing retail abilities without any quality of life improvement from retail. That’s nonsense.
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chance is too low

I don’t like using shred and I rarely use Rip because it spends too much energy and has a higher chance to miss than just Mangle so that rune is literally useless for me and after playing as a warlock with grimoire of synergy know that 5% proc chance is crap and unreliable.

The only fun rune we got was Skull Bash and reworked Tiger’s Fury to burst more. Everything else is either just juicing up the damage (unsuccessfully, we’re not good at damage and are very squishy) or the runes are just crap.

And phase 3 is just a continuation of crap.

I like playing kitty kat (and I will not powershift like a sweaty tryhard) so as long as the new items can help with the scaling a bit better I can still just zip zooop around and gnaw at peeps ankles. Which is fun.

But if I thought Season Of Discovery was underwhelming for Hunters in terms of crazy experimentation then kitty kats puts all my criticism to shame cause it is complete and utter trash and the developers should be ashamed of themselves for their lack of creativity with this (and the bear) spec.

There’s nothing crazy about it. Kitty kats get to be a bit more kitty kat. BORING.

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Amen brotha! The effort to reward ratio of feral dps is in the ground atm. And it isnt fixed with the new Gore rune either since you are going to get maybe 1 proc per fight. When we are forced to go the old powershift route it means that our rotation is by far the most complex in the game, since we have to track energy/CP and mana. Also fights with target swapping basically means our dps is gonna plummet since we didnt get anything to solve the CP issue. Also why do rogues get a rune that refreshes SnD to full but we still have to waste our CPs on passive dmg buff?

You as a rogue should know this is false. You guys have Mutilate 40energy guaranteed 2CP. You are also getting in next phase runes like:

Combat Potency
“You have a 20% chance to gain 15 Energy every time you deal melee damage with your off-hand weapon.”


Cut to the Chase
“Your Eviscerate and Envenom abilities refresh either your Slice and Dice or your Blade Dance duration to its 5 combo point maximum. If both are active, only the one with shortest remaining duration will be refreshed.”

I would love something similar to ferals

The worst thing of it all is that everyone knows this. Every feral druid at least. And developers must be aware it, it’s their job ffs.

I have a subtlety rogue in retail and he’s way easier and rewarding than this thing I’m playing at the moment. And you know, sub rogues are not easy at all. I might not top the dps charts (lying, I do) but I can at least play it as it was intended. I can shadowstep, I can stun, I can vanish two times, I have 200 energy and I can generate tons of it. I can generate combo points and spend them with finishers. You get the gist of it. All things you can’t do with ferals in sod.

Feral druids in sod feels like subtlety rogue in retail, but they forgot to add energy management to it, so you’re stuck to those 15 seconds of berserk and then THE OBLIVION.

FFS I would have loved more a rune that lets our bleeds crit, but no, we’re stuck with a 5% proc in fights where we use like 10 shreds at most and that thing might never proc, overproc or underproc. It must be a joke.
Related to this, I’m thinking about freezing for a phase if they keep “listening to feedback” (their evergreen) like they’re doing at the moment.
Related #2, I don’t know if I can link videos here, but everything is summarized in this video, except you have to read it as “Raiding as a feral druid in SoD vs every other class”:

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M8, i just asked the kitty since I saw this threat. Have 0 idea about kitties as I wrote above. Well for me as a Rogue is that I hate to play muti.

But its the only combo builder with damage we have atm. My guess is they will have muti up to 60 again an prob boost saber slash.

The issue is that the main abilities are to low damage Across the board overall for all classes and people are just spamming Runes. So if one -two Runes are underperforming ur screwed.

Hope they give u some love