Heres my 3 ideas, please feel free to add yours! Any any feedback is welcome (minus people saying blizz dont make new bg maps)
“Valley of Worms”
Based in a valley between Darkshore and Felwood this map has sheer slopes either side creating a natural wall that is impassable. At either end of the valley would be a horde and alliance barricades, these would be staggered with the re spawns being behind the very rear barricade. The re spawns would be protected by guards who would “one shot” anyone stupid enough to get close to them. Once you are out of the re spawn you cannot enter back in. Ideally I think there should be three staggered barricades with a Flag being placed in front of the second. Not another flag map I hear you cry, well here is where the fun begins. 30-40 yards from each teams most forward barricade will be a tunnel entrance staggered off to the side where the teams barricade entrance is. These tunnels will connect directly to one another, 50 yards into the tunnel will be a small alcove each side where a grave yard will be place. The joined tunnels will be intercepted with a much larger one that goes directly across the middle of the map underground. At the center where the two tunnels cross will be a relic/shrine which the two teams will fight to control. Having control of this middle point will allow your team to spawn in the alcove in the tunnel and will grant 5 points every 5 seconds its in your teams control. Every 60 seconds a huge worm will travel along the large tunnel killing anyone in its path. Yep big worm you heard it right XD. To stop players wondering down the large tunnel it will be blocked off with rubble or a steep slope that the worm travels down then up.
Winning conditions: 3 flag captures or 500 points from holding the middle relic/shrine. Or if flag captures are equal then it will be decided on relic/shrine points. Time will be limited to 15 mins.
Battle on The Veiled Sea
Two vessels Horde and Alliance traveling side by side, the teams start on separate ships. Both ships come with six cannons that can be operated by players, the players must collect cannon balls (limited to 1 per player and a total of 24 on the ship) to fire them. The cannons will deal 15,000 siege damage to the enemy ship which will have a total of 500,000 HP. The first phase of the Battleground will be to damage the enemy ship with the cannons. This phase will last for 3 mins with the ships then moving in closer enabling players to board across planks/ropes/ladders that spawn. Once the ships are in phase two players can then take bombs onto the enemy ship to finish it off. The bombs must be placed on the lower deck of each ship to do damage (10k damage a bomb & they can be diffused by the opposite team). Onto re spawns, I was thinking that there would be 3 levels to the ships- Main Deck, Gun Deck, Cargo Hold. The re spawns would be placed in the cargo hold (sealed off with a big door) with a one way portal leading up to the Gun Deck & crows nest where players can drop down onto the Main Deck from.
Winning Conditions: Enemy ship reaches 0HP or time reaches 15mins (ship with highest hp wins)
Kun-Lai Clash
A village based in Kun-Lai plays a vial role in the war between the horde and alliance. Consisting of 6 houses and a town hall, this map is surrounded with debris/barricades and natural rock formations. The two teams will start at opposite sides at a cart that represents the horde and alliance. They will then battle it out to control as many houses as they can and the main hall. The map layout will be three houses in a rough line with a hall in the middle of the map off to the right side and then three more houses in a row. The main hall will have a Bezerker buff off to the side of it. To take control of a house players will need to be the only faction inside the house and then will need to place a banner down (10sec cast time). The house is then fortified with faction related banners/items. The same will be required for the Hall however the hall once captured will also have a re spawn in the basement. Houses give 10 points every 12 seconds and the hall gives 20 every 12 seconds.
Winning Conditions: First team to reach 1500 points wins.
Thanks for reading