Thoughts on Warlock drain tanking spec while leveling

this is how I got to 60, it’s extremely fast and you never ever have to stop or drink.

Void cant hold agro, cuz classic is running on 1.12 and you got tons of spellpower which was endgame stat in earlier vanilla. So you obviously do tons more damage and simply overagro.
So just use whatever (like imp for more hp) and dot 2-4 enemies and drain/fear. “Guides” are for noobs, usually writen by noobs who claim themselves to be pros.

don’t listen to this guy. don’t use the imp while out in the open world. while imp may be the highest damage pet, he ooms extremely fast and unlike all our other pets, once it’s tapped on mana, he just sits there doing nothing because he has no melee attacks.

run with a succubus, her melee attack is the best, turn off lash of pain and use her as a mana battery. also, in case you get jumped by a rogue, warrior, etc you can seduce to buy some time.

Hurr durr, dont listen to this guy, my opinion is the cosmic truth and everything else is bad and wrong. Fun fact: you dont have to use imp to cast his firebolts. Dont be so agresively mad.

then why use him at all if not for his bolts? his mana pool is smaller than succubus’ is, he can’t melee, he provides no pvp advantage.

sorry, but recommending anybody to use imp while out in the open world is just a bad idea.

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