Thoughts on WoW Token in Wrath Classic

WoW Token is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things tbh :smiley:
RDF, connecting all realms together… thats something we should be discussing.

WoW Token doesn’t really change anything much, as there were already people purchasing gold.

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I’ve been kept out of Ulduar because almost all I see is GDKP, and I refuse to take part in gold bidding since I know for a fact many people get gold from RMT and that is not going to change because of Token.

I think this approach will actually worsen this situation, with more GDKP in Trial of the Crusader and thus gatekeeping even more players.
But everybody knows you won’t back down on this. I hope this doesn’t result profitable for you.

I think at this point RDF wouldn’t mess with much. PLEASE NEVER LFR. RDF I could live with.

People are botting, so we will legally ruin economy.
At least grow some balls, Blizzard, and tell the truth about pure greed.

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Ehh, anyone buys that grey vendor items?

The underlying cause is not supply of gold, but demand for gold, isn’t it? And why is that? Well cuz in 4 months of Ulduar peeps got hardly 2 HM items.
Poor loot RNG is what makes GDKP so appealing, and to do GDKP you need tons of gold.
I’m sure you could fix that.

I was about to post stuff on the AH just now so I can make some gold, but now this seems pointless, I will just take 20 euro and buy ~8k gold :D, Thanks Blizzard, easy game, enjoy your bots, this sh*t isn’t worth it at all, there are so many well scripted server you can play out there without any gold sellers, hackers and so on, sure there may be one or two, but they are handled. Its a sad situation for the wow players who enjoyed farming, grinding and making gold the hard way or even playing the AH, now I can throw some coins at you and get 8k gold instantly, amazing. You legit ruined everything.

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Why a message so long? The token increase Activision’s revenues, end of story.

If you act on bots,flag them sooner in a way that would prevent them from trading. Make sending gold difficult for unverified accounts.

Good job making botting basicly free2play.
Best way to solve the issue of bots and rmt.

Why is not possible to mail the Wow Token to your characters on other accounts? Why is this not a thing Blizzard?

Not grey, white; and better than drops - yed´s I do on IronMan! and they are expensive as …

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