Thrall contra Garrosh

Hello everyone!

I am talking to the Horde people! Nowadays there are two kinds of you!

  1. Green orcish (Warmonger Hellscream and Sylvanas loving, beasts)
  2. Mag’har type (Follow the old ways, Thrall and Vol’Jin are the best, make peace with surrounding races)

Well the two main heros of the fractions are Thrall and Garrosh.
I personally loved all the horde warchiefs, good or evil, except Sylvanas Miss Crazybaby.

And we all know that Blizzard could not leave the warchief title neither Thrall’s, nor Garrosh’s hand. Why?

Well Thrall was too good at politics, he knew both humans an orcs, and he is an excellent mediator. If he was warchief for too long, he wold have ended the war between Alliance and Horde, then what? Blizz would have changed gamename to Peacecraft? Craftycraft? :slight_smile:

Garrosh was a typical Warsong. If you read after the original orc tribes, warsongs were known about loving war. They smithed larde iron weapons, wore some plates, but left their ritually tattoed upper bodies naked. Iron bands in their noses or ears, and their blades carved so the weapon gave a whirling sound when used. He was a war hero respected and feared by ally and enemy as well. Soon he would have grinded up the Alliance… same problem. (same reason hes father Grommash had to die twice)

At this point I’d like to explain why the topic:
When discussing warchief topics Garrosh people are like: “All hail Garrosh warchief of warchiefs” Thrall people are like: “Garrosh is a stupid warmonger, thrall is the best warchief”
The original orcish way of life is fighting constantly with harsh environment, with elements, with the dangerous beasts of their homeland. Oh man! Draenor’s wildlife is deadly! And orcs are top predator race. most of the tribes are war loving NATURALLY, Bonechewers are the worst, having tendency for cannibalism. So why is Garrosh bad? He is a true orc.

But lets see the main elements:

  1. Back in Nagrand young Garrosh expresses hes worries about himself, hes agressive nature and that hes father was carried away by bloodthirst as well.
  2. After Arthas’ fall, Thrall asked the now war hero Garrosh to take up the weight of the warchiefs mantle so he can go and play worldshaman, but Garros warned Thrall that it is bad idea. He did not want it, but Thrall forced it like:
    G: “I am not worthy being a warchief Thrall! I am a warrior not a politician!”
    T: “You are just what the horde needs now, not to fall apart! They need a warlord to lead them, a warrior they respect”
    G: “I can’t do it”
    T: “Oh yes you cAAaaan!”
    G: “Can’t do DONT MAKE ME!”
    T: "You MUST Garrosh!
    Thrall knew Grommash, knew Garrosh just as well, he knew what he is doing. Forced Garrosh to lead, because the horde needed that at the time, but he especially as a shaman who talks with the elements and spirits that Garros will allways be a warlord, and thus he must had knon even by then, that eventually he would have to be stopped. Thrall used up Garrosh for the Horde.
    And at the end, when they challenged each other to mak’gora thrall cheated. Mak’gora is a ritual combat till death, but with weapons and bare hands, no magic allowed. It is a warrior way countdown, but Thrall knew Garros would be far overpowered for him, so he used the elements, just like Gul’dan used the fell against Durotan in the movie (I know its non canon, just an exaple from me)

So Garrosh allways strictly followed the orc traditions. In Mulgore he even killed one of he’s liutenant for killing children and defenseless in the heat of battle.
Thrall left the horde after saving it, and even lost his honor in the mak’gora.

I love the character of Thrall, and i consider it that he willingly sacrificed hes honor for the good of the world, because Garrosh has gone on a rampage. But I just cannot see how Thrall is a good warchief… With orcish eyes he can not lead by example. Garrosh more likely.
I think Thrall is a hero, a freedom fighter who saved the horde from total destruction, but he is not a WARchief

Consider it… what do you say?

I need to start making my dinner.

hmm… enlightening :slight_smile:

Thrall lost his credibility when he cheated during the mak’gora in Nagrand.


He had a Bio and Gluten Free phase

I have not big knowledge about Orc lore but the meaning of True Orc is a little subjective, since there are different clans, and their behaviour were different depending were they belonged, the frostwolves were more pacifists than the laughing skulls, before all the legion thing, they lived in peace with the Draenei, they were not evil and that brutal… and also had a big connection with the elements.

To be honest I think both of them were good at some point, Thrall was a wise leader that saved the Horde and Garrosh started good but then he turned into a crazy dictator who only cared about Orcs.

Garrosh falls in the typical brutal Zug zug Orc that you see on any RPG, Thrall is the opposite diplomacy and peace at its finest, can’t compare them, they are opposites. Either you align yourself to the good side or to the bad side. I do believe Garrosh represented what the Horde used to be, Thrall represents what the Horde could be.

And I loved Sylvannas as Warchief, had so many hopes about it, such potential waisted :frowning:

The only true warchief was Garrosh in Cata.

All other warchiefs that came after him (including the Garrosh version in MoP) should be trashed and retconed.

I cannot imagine a more wasted character than Garrosh.

Thrall just lost all my respect in Cata when he showed up with his Waifu wife and started to talk about family and such. Since then, he is not even an orc. Got downgraded to goblin.

Thats the point you do not see… Orcs would be nothing without fighting. They are like the real worlds spartans… orcs do not try to make life easier, Lok’tar ogar “Victory or death” is an old orcish saying before even Gul’dan could have corrupted them.
It means: whatever is in your way be stronder, be more durable and survive it, or die trying!
Yes frostwolves were not warrior clan, they were a hunting and wolf taming tribe, but even they were fighting constantly. Orcs are not hunting like humans using bows and such. they went on large, strong beasts posing threat, and hunted them with clubs, axes, hammers, spears. They gave the chance for the beast to fight back, to earn his own survival.
And yes some tribes are are more peaceful, some are warlike, and there are a few that are even evil, but there are strict rules of being a true orc.
a considered true orc did never achieve victory through deception or cheating, but only by strength and skill on the battlefield. Face to face. A true orc never lies and respects traditions. etc.

And again, frostwolf clan considered to be peaceful, but in the book Durotan, the young Orgrim and Durotan were best friends and even they were boxing and wrestling from time to time, beacuse they constantly struggled to be better than the other. Orcs fight through their life, even the peaceful ones.

Thats why I respect them so much, they are not stupid, they simply love to stand out difficult trials. They feel truely that they still live, while their life is at stake. They do not hide, they stand out and accept the challenge.

If there would be no kodo beasts or clefhoofs to hunt, or there would be no battle… orcs would get weaklings and slowly die out. This is why they are so bulky muscular, why they do not accept defeat. They can not, this keeps them alive.

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