Threads Achievements skipped

I’m not sure if it was due to using the new Threads items from achievements, but I used two of them from achievements (one blue and one purple), and that gave me Infinite Power VI. Problem is, the highest one I had before that was Infinite Power III, meaning I missed out on IV and V.

It happened since last week when it started.
My 5th shows incomplete and completed at the same time.
It might fix if I level another character. Did not try it yet.

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Same thing happened to me with Infinite Power IX. I got X but not IX. I doubt it impacts the other ranks or the cloak for alts in any way though but I hope they fix it.

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Had the same thing IV got skipped, had to level a 2nd char to fix it. No point ticketing it with the 10 day wait time and an AI that just tells you to go to Wowhead.


As I see those achievement don’t give points, and per my knowledge they only help when create alts. Alts always go for the latest achievement, so in theory, shouldn’t be a problem.

I have a similar problem.

Basically the Infinite Power series stop progressing at Infinite Power VII and new achievements in the series are not advancing. It happened after the hotfix that introduced more thread awards. The cloak keeps progressing, but the achievements are stuck and this affects alts…

I sincerely hope they solve it, it’s not a minor bug…

You need to do them again.

This “do the content again” was pushed to its limit when they made Honor Levels account-wide and many people lost their Prestige so they had to re-earn all the rewards. Some lost upwards of 200 levels.


The achievements have account-wide progress though, so you can’t do them again I believe?

That is a recent hotfix yes, at the time of my last post they were still individual achievements. They might still give the reward if you earn them on other chars, not sure.

They weren’t able to be re-earned on other chars (since you started with too many threads), but they have hotfixed it since then so that it checked and awarded the achievements retroactively if you had overshot.

I had this on this character for a while, but it seems to have resolved itself. Maybe the latest hotfix that was done corrected it. I just never paid much attention.

The same for the 2 zones, which have not completed in the MoP campaign, even though they have all been fully completed. I just ignore it, move on with getting all the collectables.

It will be resolved, if not it’s not the end of the world.