Threads or Campaign?

There’s one at 53 - I had to do a couple of side quests in Bastion as I was just short of 53 on my spriest. Levelling is going fine, though I haven’t tried threads so couldn’t say it’s quicker or slower. Will probably do threads next time as I’m getting bored of all the npc chat you get through the campaign.

ok thats it then, i didn’t really do any of those % bar quests and didn’t complete any till i was already 60 looking for gear. so i thought they were awarded for being 60.

I’ve done threads on 2 alts now and for me it was the better route. Earning both renown and anima as you level meant that dinging 60 I could quickly start into the covenant campaign stuff. For instance, you get a campaign quest to reach another level of renown but you already have that so it’s an instant hand in. Mining/herbing as a prof helps with xp and I’ve also used bgs.

I ended up using threads after seeing and being discouraged by the 5000 XP per quest in maldraxxus.

I then went revendreth and got 15.000 per quest and also random dungeon XP.

56-59 went very fast.

Both are disgustingly boring but threads yeah

Campaign to 59, then threads

The campaign really isn’t great a second or third time but SL dungeon/WQ spam is the actual worst.

This is me. My two campaign alts have flown to 60, whereas my three threads ones are deadwood.

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People say the campaign is faster but with warmode on i blazed through the levels with threads of fate, and made a hefty chunk of money leveling professions meanwhile.

I’ve done via just campaign, some via just threads and some mix and match. Bearing in mind once you go threads there is no going back.

There are good and bad points to both. I don’t prefer one of the other and I don’t see a lot of difference in levelling time. However I would prefer if I could go threads and just pick and choose from either the campaign or regular extra quests and just be able to go where I want to level.

The campaign method is too linear and the threads method can get very stale.


I always go with Threads. I wait for chars to accumulate rested xp and then spam dungeons. Mainly due to having the covenant ability and getting anima/renown while leveling.

I’ve levelled 2 via campaign and am using threads for my third. Only been doing it a couple of days and am enjoying at the moment.

I would not do Threads from level 50 or 51 tbh, Getting to 56 through bastion was very fast, But after that even maldraxxus was green, so i imagine in future i will always do Bastion to 55-56 then Threads.

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There is one at 57 so you cant get to maldraxxus until 58.


I managed to get maldraxxus just fine at 56 and even below that during launch week… or are you saying that 56 is fine… but at 57 there is a gate?

That would make no sense

On 3 characters i have seen this gate. Maybe they have removed it now but i rem having to do half a level of “stuff” to gain xp before i could move on to next zone. Maybe this was reven i was thinking off. But it does exist

Yes. there is a gate for revendreth somewhere around 56-58.

But madraxxus gate is like 53 i think?

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