Straight to the point, past 7 m+ instances with any class. Start with DnD>>bloodboil twice then Marrow+Heart strike as a rotation, like without taunting left and right barely get a grip on mobs it’s like i’m forced to play with a class that can stun adds for each pull for me so i can make sure i can build agro, never had this issue before in any patch. Funny enough my dps average around 9k-13k i think we need more threat on the abilities or more damage cause this is pathetic depending on taunts, no need to mention the worst clunky GCD ever created even with having 50% haste when things proc what a joke “tuning”
Haven’t really had issues with threat, unless a fury warrior blows all his CDs on a pack. Maybe you are doing something wrong, because 9k-13k dps is also very low.
It would still suit Blizzard to buff blood damage up to prot warrior levels. Compare the two and you’ll get a good laugh out of it.
It’s not as bad as Shadowlands but threat output still feels a tad low on BDK, just because it takes longer than other specs to get our damage rolling. It’s partly a dps spec issue because people start nuking too soon, but what do Blizzard expect when all the other tanks can easily frontload much more damage? People are used to being able to attack as soon as the mobs start hitting the tank. They don’t check dps meters first to see if the tank is putting out decent numbers. If they don’t want to buff our dps, at least bump up threat modifiers on DnD and Blood Boil to make pulls a bit smoother.
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