Threat issues brew


I started playing my brew for a change of pace some two weeks ago. So far ive done most dungeons in 11 and a few in 12. But ive run into a problem when i with more experienced players. I often lose threat and fumbling to get it in the first 10 seconds of a pull.

I usually open with keg, breath and ek as im gathering. But its still just so chaotic. Any tips?

Dps wise i push around 1 mill overall in a dungeon as 630 ish.

Edit: my monk is nomedigas on runetotem if yall want to check it out

2 small tips, use exploding keg on pull or/and swap special delivery to rushing jade wind and pop it before you run into the pull. Only time i had agro problems was running special delivery at the start. rushing jade helps with the start agro

Yes, according to the WoW Head guide Rushing Jade Wind is to be popped befor running in. Perhaps this helps: Wow Head
I am levelling a brewmaster in follower dungeons. More fun than delves. But I don’t dare the transition to playing with real people.

Thanks! Do you know the dmg difference in rjw vs special delivery?

I switched up a few talents and took black ox statue for the time being. It removed my problems with threat and helped me get almost all dungeons timed in 12’s today. Gonna work on the 13s tonight and tomorrow