Threat plates M+

I got threat plates for nameplates so i have normal big nameplates for enemys and for friendly player i scale them down too see better the different between them
It works perfect in PvP and in the world

Why does this not work in M+
I have seen some space Ui witg voices that tell you everything but me scaking friendly player is too much ,?

Blizz disabled the ability to customize Friendly Nameplates in Dungeons and Raids in 7.1.5.

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But why ?
Why is the Ui Macro and Addons that almost play the dungeon for you and costum nameplates is bad

Why is it allowed in rated PvP?
You can play with this addon in the AWC cups not in a +5 dungeon?

Why is it not in the standart Ui just make Larger nameplates option for friendly units and enemy units seperate DONE

I think Blizzard just dont know that this restriction eaven exist because people are long gone from Blizzard that implementet it

Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedoooooooommmmmm !!!

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