Three friends looking for HC raiding guild for TWW

Maybe Punished on Tarren Mill/Dentarg could be the place for you? You can read the full wall of text here: Punished [Dentarg/Tarrem Mill][A/H] is looking more for s4!

But in short: 2 days per week (Wed, Thurs from 21 to 00 server time (right now just HC clear on Wed. and just what ever else people want to do (alt run, m+ etc) on Thursday until TWW). It’s good time on Wed. to join us for a run and see what we are about!

We’re casual, older bunch of people, where we don’t demand people to raid X amount of days to be a raider - raid when and if you can, that’s about it. M+ is done on any other time. And we have banter (sometimes too heavy and dark, so you have to have some sense of humor and not take things said to heart) and fun and dumb moments.

We have a community as well, which for the time being allows people from other servers to join us in our events and helps communicating m+ runs easier, also some side communities for pure m+ from other community members. The community side does not go away when cross realm guild’s launch (we will become a cross realm guild).

We are seeking for a healer and an OS tank, since 2 tank spots are filled with the possibility of sometimes needing to tank if one of the MT cannot make it. Having an alt fill the OS roll is also fine, specially if it is a rDPS. We don’t have aug. evoker, we have the other kinds :D.

Anyway if you feel that we might be your future home, add me on discord and we can chat more mari.s