The comic Three sisters finally introduced the long awaited Windrunner sisters reunion.
Like with many family reunions, there is drama (no pun intended)
Anyway while reading the story I noticed the three sisters wore their necklaces
The necklace history was that it belonged to the Windrunner sister’s mother, Lireesa Windrunner. Lireesa gave the necklace to Alleria as a gift, which later after her mother’s death Alleria broke the necklace into three pieces of necklaces and gave each to her sister. Alleria got the green piece, Sylvanas got the blue piece, and Vereesa got the red piece.
During the reunion, Alleria was really mad at Sylvanas especially when they were inside Windrunner spire. She was holding the necklace as if she wanted to throw it away, and as she left along with her sisters, her brother’s ghost/memory started to frown as he saw the sisters leave the spire each in their own direction.
Even the picture of the cover in the comic book, shows the three necklaces on the floor.
So my question is, what happened to the necklaces? Do they still have them, or are they on the floor in Windrunner spire? I’m very confused in all this
If you worked hard. Climbed all the way in PvE from normal to M+. Started doing Hardcore raiding and earned Endgame gear, then started doing hardcore PvE in 9.1.
There might be a chance you’ll get the necklace as a drop from Sylvanas.
But you are basically suggesting she still has the necklace, so it’s not on the floor?
All I want to know is did they abandon the necklaces or not.
Because if they did, it’s kinda…weird lore wise. Yes the gift was from Alleria, but it belonged to their mother. Why would they throw it away. That’s all I wanna know.
It’s like Katara from the last air bender randomly throwing away her necklace after she has a fight with Sokka. Makes no sense.
Sylvanas is the only one who wanted to throw her necklace. If someone is in the floor of the tower, it might be her necklace only. But I still doubt she threw it. It is possibly with her and might be either a gear drop or quest starter unless she somehow survives the encounter.
actualy this could become intresting, lets say we fight Sylvanas, well what we gona do, and just before would defeat her, her mother comes and scolds her taking the necklas away again.
Feels like if anything, it’ll be a gimmick for a loot drop that will have some lore fluff attached to it. Many things like this were in the possession of other raid bosses as if to give them closure or to somehow expand their story a bit after their defeat.
Check the range of weapons that drop from Lich King for example. Each one has a passage dedicated to some kinda legend or individual.