In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Thunderhorn in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
I used to play an Orc Warrior called Krosh. For a while I had my own guild - The Titans. If by any chance you remember me, hit me up!
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Orc warlock lvl 60, nickname: Lykanius , guild: Chrocht
Farzil , troll mage here (was in Holy Cow, GCHQ and Kink - was in The Shadow Risng in TBC and WotLK)
Looking for some big bad tauren warriors: Dindins and Twaerl
and Wigdar/Wugdar (mage/priest)
Grandorco orc warrior
I knew only a guy called artyy that was Italian as me, since I was very young and I could use very basic English
Dalukah AKA Melfhunter In ally, was in Trojan AKA Andreios right hand “yup the right one”
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Back in vanilla I was called Bluefury, I was a troll hunter and spent most of my time in a guild called Blazing Fist. I think I did join The Shadow Rising briefly but left to join Ruin with Bloodwrath. We then transferred to Draenor. I am mostly thinking about doing social stuff in dungeons. I really don’t want to do any raiding (again) but would love to meet and play with some of the people I used to play with back then.
I’m still friends with Dindins, He no longer plays but I’ll send him the forum link.
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Doufam, ze stari “Chrochtaci” ted pujdou na PVP server 
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Namesicnik, Troll, Hunter
Guild: Chrocht
Krocus, Lykanius, Archaniel, Sunraal?, Doom, Banzaj, that alliance gnome warrior with pink ponytails.
Name memory has gone to *$&£ over the years.
Fooking name of sick nick !
Fretix - Hunter
Guild: ‘Guards of Thrall’
Looking for Saxodane, Chilli, Isdes. Heh
I am going to play in realm Pyrewood Village
Hey Blue, Dreadnaught Orc Rogue here from Blazing Fist/The Shadow Rising
Deadmesser, Undead, Mage
Guild: Chrocht / Supreme Voodoo
LF: Lyk, Archaniel, Elhith, Krocus, Xardas, Namesicnik, Rollos, Narmora, Farseer, Krispel, Retreaper, Prtavec, Agent, Drtikost, Johnys, Taurexik, Naro, Mcdarien, Nemesiscz, Banzaj, Caliope, Melganis, Abathory, Garlem… and much much more!
Any of you guys i remember or any others from thunderhorn, that remember me from vanilla and TBC times please add me on battlenet and do not hesitate to write me.
Looking forward!!
BATTLETAG: Messer#2656
hey messer, i had a friend in your guild called artyy, forsaken rogue. Do you know what he did after vanilla. I lost contact with him prio BC release
Hey Grando, chrocht was huge guild and Artyy nick says nothing to me.
Sorry i could not help 
Hey dude, write me - battletag: Messer#2656
Thugore, Undead Rogue
Guild: I can’t remember
But I remember the guild names that other people has written in their posts here.
Hektodar, (Shaman) lets go pvp again.