Tier Set is good

Finally we got something that could help us to play on Forti weeks.
The only one question I have: if the Fiery Brand from Tier set is spreadable with Burning Alive Talent? If this talent works - we are more then gucci.

It stays only one question to solve: can we get CR or Lust or Some better externals for group? Better then rng darknes.
And Change pls places in Talent tree: Replace Feast of Soul with Sigil of Chains.

Not the worst tier set certainly. The only thing I worry about is that while it will help with prolonged survivability against hard hitting packs on forti, VDH is still coming into it with very little to address its weakness at the start of a pull. The spread of brand with burning alive is painfully slow.

Also if this does interact positively with burning alive (bug fixes pending) that really makes the talent tree even more rigid than it already is, we are forced to put points still into the left side considering frailty stack maintenance is now our mandatory defensive mechanic. We’d be putting points into burning alive and charred flesh to get value out of our tier set meaning defensive talents like last resort and feed the demon are just now not able to be taken anymore and losing demon spike uptime is not going to feel good for those of us who still play the defensive build. That being said LR I don’t care for much as it feels like a poor mans Purgatory and on an 8 min CD doesn’t bring much value other than being a occasional catch for VDH’s tendency to flop.

End of the day our utility still feels incredibly lacking and so many what should be baseline talent points (looking at you frailty) being mandatory in the tree leaves it feeling like we have 0 room for choice and 0 utility to offer the group.

I see you have the appropriate transmog for your thoughts on the set.

The 10.1 VDH tier set is decent for raiding, however it is complete gutter tier trash for M+

can someone test the Burdning Alive interraction with this Tier set on PTR?
U aktually can go frailty+cheat death+ 1point of Burning Alive.

the VDH set isnt available for testing yet

Good news. Fiery Brand from tier set will be spreadable and will be prolonged with Immolation Aura. As I v said, we can take our basetank abilities (withoud dps amplifier) plus this funktion on Top.

I v played a lot on exactly this spek from 18-23 lvl keys and it mad me almost no fun to track soooo many abilities and to press em in correct order. In 10.1 we can just keep pressing our today rotation and will just get automatically a very good dps bonus for fier damage. Dps reduktion on top. They probably hear us.

The problem with threat generation but will may be still always a bad start for every pull where we cannot press fel devastation asap. I think one of the best solution for it will be just to get our immolation aura a bit more range. 2 times more, aktually. Cause the first damage (Fallout Talent) can over threat the mob that went out easily. As other option: Abyssal Strike should come back - it could solve the problem of Fury lack on pulls.

Next problem that u cannot ignore - we still need our sigil of chains. We need it. Comparing to prot paladins - where there are 2 kicks and 2nd one has a huge possibility to get reset from almost „autoattacks“ - vdh has just not enough to controll cast situation on pulls. Ye, we have kick, Cage, Fear, Silence, Stun, Sigil of chains can brings this controll on very smart level. Tested a lot - works very interesting. U feel urself much usefull and u feel urself very unique among all other tanks.

And ofc give us one good group external. We had so many suggestions here. Just one of it may bring very interesting interaktions. Dispel for friendly Target or Cage for Friendly Target or Maybe some sigil could buff friendly targets or darkness rework.

Have tested it - U can stack the normal Fiery Brand together with the Brand from Tierset. Uptime of it can be about 35-40 seconds. DPS remains the same but still there is a huge mess in our TalentTree and it will not work like they want without a huge Talent Tree rework.
There are still to many questions that cannot be solved at once - I m sure VDH will be unplayble next season as well.

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