Tiger's Lust and Detox mouseover click casting not working

I am using the default Blizzard Click Casting for mouseover spells, and for my Mistweaver I cannot cast Tiger’s Lust and Detox on others by hovering over other ppl unit frames. The rest of the spells work perfectly fine on the unit frames.
I have a Paladin for which dispelling and freedom work fine with the Blizz Click Casting mouseovers.
Are Monks or Mistweavers bugged?

Are they bound to your mouse buttons? If so, thats the reason why mouseover doesnt work, u gotta rebind your mouse buttons outside of the game, then it will work.

Indeed I have them bound in the mouse buttons.
I switched tigers last on a regular keyboard keybind with a mouseover macro and it works fine.

Custom Mouse Bindings

  • Tiger’s Lust, bound to Left Button

Clicking unit frames now with my left button will cast Tiger’s Lust on the unitframe target.

So, you have some conflicting binds, either an addon keybind, or maybe just as easy as clickthrough unit frames. And to be sure, did you press save?

If you’re like me and rather have macros here are some good ones:

#showtooltip Tiger’s Lust
/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Tiger’s Lust;Tiger’s Lust

#showtooltip Detox
/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Detox;Detox

#showtooltip Tiger Palm
/stopmacro [channeling:Fists of Fury]
/cast [@mouseover, exists, help, nodead] Vivify
/cast [] Tiger Palm

I am using the Blizzard default mouseover click casting function which is similar to Clique.

Dispels and Freedom work perfectly on my Pala and dispels work as well on my priest and mage.

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