Timbered Sky Snake is very disappointing

With the addition of the new Sub mount, I find it EXTREMELY disappointing.
Sure it’s name states “Sky Snake” but it’s a snake nonetheless and it should SLITHER on the ground and not float…

It just shows ONCE AGAIN how lazy the developers are getting on these mounts.
Skeleton after skeleton being reused.

I would have been okay with it if only used the serpent skeleton while airborn, atleast give the snake a unique animation on the ground.

As a mount collector I love all my mounts, but it pains me how often they are just reused skins/skeletons.
I really wished more love would be shown towards them once in a while.

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At least its special animation are fireworks. Spam it! :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree. I tried it out, but it was flying so annoyingly that I immediately dismounted and I’ll likely never use it again. Meh, it was free anyway.

another +1 in my mount collection

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