I think we’re fine as is and the nerf to poison cleanse wasn’t that bad, it was OP.
It was rhetorical.
When DPriest is meta, all of you will be nice an quiet.
Its only when RShaman is meta that “healer balance” is an issue.
- That’s raid.
- Archon halo is bugged and isn’t properly adhering to the target cap so it blasts the raid with a ton of healing instead of getting reduced as it should be with higher target counts. When this gets fixed, holy priests are gonna be awful in raid too.
Why are you making generalizations? I can easily say that you are one of them as well. Acting like a child
People would complain about priests if they would be as popular and unbalanced as Shamans.
It depends if priest was the best healer and needed to put a well on the floor and afk I would still complain. Dont make the less fun and less skill spec the best
(You got the very disguised reference to the totem I hope )
Im just messing a bit.
I just find it funny though how RShaman got nerfed with out any actual nerfs.
Would love to see it. In fact, dident priest have a fountain or something players had to click on to get healed?
U mean the mdi where they did +9s? and all about is going evne faster
Yes, I mean exactly that. To be fair, Holy Priests have never been in MDI so it’s nothing new.
However, now that we have seen Discipline Priests do 1 Mil DPS and 2 Mil HPS at the same time while Barrier was up, maybe Holy Priests will finally get some buffs.
Yes the well a holy talent