Time for this class to step down

I dont play the game? Maybe youve forgotten ive joined your premade group several times. If u as hunter get beat by mage in a bg, youre a trash :clown_face:lets be real for a second.

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they are giga trolls

the day mage actually beat hunters we will have a real laugh.

In the screenshots you posted there’s always a balance druid above the hunter.
The only thing that bothers you here is that you’re behind the hunters you mention and you can’t stand it because you chose the class you’re playing just because it’s so powerful.

It’s always very easy to criticize a class that has very good damage when you don’t play it and don’t realize how fragile it is.

In any case, I’m not surprised to see that it’s always the meta players who complain when they see non-meta players doing well, and we reach a critical stage when we see that you even get mad when players from your own group are doing well…


Huh… Funny how a DH complains about “overpowered classes” :rofl: DHs have literally been unkillable gods for the longest time.

Okay wow… Actually looked at the images now… This is clearly a troll post… If not then you need take a break from WoW, since you are clearly in a VERY toxic place mentally.

Wonder why you even waste time to reply premade garbage?!

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