Time for this class to step down

https ://imgur.com/PnnIKXM
https ://imgur.com/vt13gd7
sorry guys but a marksman hunter which is supposed to be a BURST class actually does huge aoe/sustain damage and being among first in damage list…is not normal, one spec shall not be able to do big cc’s, big sustain damage and huge burst because it mean one spec can do everything - big bursts, big cc’s and big bursts and this should not be like that

I’m a bit confused… did you guys lost the match… or are you more annoyed that your team mate has done more damage than you? :face_with_raised_eyebrow::thinking:

flagged for trolling

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we won the matches but it doesn’t matter the fact is - burst classes aren’t supposed to be top dps in the end of the game. Their advantage is big dps in a moment to kill targets. Aoe damagers/sustain damagers like dh, feral, balance etc should be top the list. If hunter can do both sustain and burst damage + cc enemies than why do you even need other specs lol?

So who is supposed to be top dps in the end of a game? Don’t quite understand that, literally any DPS spec can be top dps in any Rated Battleground, if given the opportunity. To me it sounds like that the enemy team hasn’t done a good job in CCing the Marksmanship Hunter or given an window of opportunity, CC’ed the healers and nuke down the hunter, it is only natural that if a hunter is shooting for free, of course is going to get away with it and top the meters, same thing applies for a Havoc DH, or an Devastation evoker, if not controlled, the situation will eventually escalate.

I’m going to assume, judging by your rating that you play with voice, and if you see any chance that an enemy is causing too much damage upon your team, call it and coordinate an solution for it, whether in the form of a Chain CC or target call it to bring it down, also, next time, compliment your hunter for dealing such amount of damage in an “Going to assume, above 2k+ MMR”. :+1:


It’s always funny to see that the players who complain the most often play classes that are known to be meta.

According to what you say, I guess you are either trolling, or really bad at understanding the game.

QQ my class is not top DPS but it should be, I rolled it just to be top DPS and I’m not good enough to be…

Let’s make a group where all DPS are hunters then, I hope you have fun there.

Looks like a bit of both, but being annoyed because his team mate is performing is the most disgusting behavior I’ve seen in a while.

Indeed, very sad to read these posts.

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The hunter after the turtle is made of paper, any good mele can be lowered in a stunt, the problem is letting him free cast.

marskman is a burst class with the highest sustained dps in wow history.

a well played hunter will
top dps on burst
top dmg on leaderboard
top aoe dmg on epic bgs
cannot be interrupted
has more range

i stopped consdiering anyone playing hunter an actual wow player

then again i do the same thing with DH, that class is like we are playing Snake on a 3310 and he is playing crash bandicot 3 on ps1.

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This is some class discrimination. Last time I checked, I still play wow lol

That was my wrong char

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maaaaaan… you got salty for sure after that a$s-beating my hunter gave you yesterday xd how can’t you beat a glass canon hunter without pet 1vs1?

lg Nicarao

Hunters specced to do maximum dmg in BGs are glasscanons, they play without pet and lack of defensive talents. Some traps help to breath against meeles, but in general an MM hunter is free-food if you focus him. Don’t let them free-cast all the time. And if, don’t stand next to each other so that multi-shot and the current tier bonus are always active, that is where “AOE-Damage” comes from.

Writing this about MM hunters… as DH… :clown_face:

If you are looking for CC, most other specs are better. MM Hunter has quite some anti-meele slows, but few real CCs that could take a healer out for longer time. HF GL trying to ice-trap a healer in a crowded BG from a 40m range.

MM Hunter shines as a ranged sniper in BGs where he does single-target damage. That is the only thing a MM hunter can do (and should excel at). Without the current tier-set the AOE dmg would be almost non-existent (or you gotta trade lot of talent points to for that).

some beating in a 10sync

idk why im even answering or not having u on ignore same as the rest of them

u were losing most of the times
i beat u aat shrine
i beat u at market
but healer come save u and hold market, while the prems are winning the other bases

i wouldn’t call it a beating

Everything is better on a dh except they are not ranged and you cannot kill someone 40-50 yards away.

If you make a hunter and enter the arena and try to land your traps I bet you will miss crowd control as a melee where everything is instant. The crowd control as most range actually takes a bit of practice and getting used to unlike just turning around and click a button.

I just started to play my MM again and I gotta say is the most frustrating toon I have when I haven’t played it for a while because of how fast I die when I mess up. Landing traps when getting trained needs some getting used to.

Yes they shine in epic battlegrounds when they can pretty much do as they please with an entire team in front of them but that’s pretty much it.

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the other group was random in the same BG :slight_smile: It was a 5-man groups BG, as far as I could see also on your team…

mage vs glass canon hunter, mage should win 90% of times :grimacing: especially if its not the hunter opening from stealth

I havent had a single loss vs a mage. To be fair, I dont see how a mage beats a hunter in battlegrounds. Arena maybe different.

If youre nicarao, ive seen you in bgs. Hi.


UAHAHAHAHAH mage should beat hunter… yeah, no wonder i have very low expectations of these convs… no mage in the world is beating hunters but w/e, i shouldve done this ages ago.

Hunter straight up has
better range
better stealth
better ccs
Better damage
cannot be interrupted
a pet
and you are supposed to beat hunters, this guy xD

the only way u beat a hunter is lure him and knock him down lm or eots, there is absolutely no way a hunter should be losing, its not even remotly close :slight_smile:


Hi :wave:

Yeah, I meant THAT kind of situation :smiley: glass canon hunter is my term for mm hunter with no pet and almost no defensive talents. In WPvP u can get in trouble vs mages if they open on you. I guess it depends also on the mage talents, don’t know too much there tbh. (of course, in general in BGs MM Hunter > Mage 100% of the time :smiley: )

they do! Hunters are poor, and need buffs!
plays dead

Anyway, these are fun BGs though, when you see names from the forum in the BG :slight_smile:

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I also flagged him for trolling. I suggest people to do the same.

Your playing S-tier class yet got outplayed and beaten by a C-tier class. Dont you feel shame? :slight_smile:

I think you meet bad mages in general or mages with green gear. An equally skilled mage can easily kill a hunter. You havent met them yet because you dont play the game.

To be honest the reason I dont play that much anymore is because of mages. I am tired of being farmed by mages, every time I bring down their health they just ice block to full health meanwhile I stay at 50% unable to heal myself, and then they kill me in the end. I havent played BGs for a week and I cant find the motivation to log on because of mages. Whats the point of playing the game when I know I will get farmed?

Yes I agree hunter is very squishy. Even more than frost dk. We are the most squishy spec in the game, I literally feel like an NPC.

In any form of pvp be it rated or normal BGs hunter is always my first target and not mage or other classes. Because of experience I know if I go mage I have to burn through all their defenses to have a chance to kill them. Millions of absorb shields, ice block, alter time etc. It takes a full minute or more to bring a mage down. A hunter dont have this kind of stuff. They go down in 10 sec or 18 sec (if they press turtle).

Sadly, hunters are always my first target because of the things I listed. I cant believe how delusional some people can be here and say mage is bad, or that MM hunter is OP, or even worse hunters themself come here and say hunters beat mages. They are just a bunch of laughable clowns.

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