Time is Running Out- Adopt Sunny and Flurky to Support BlueCheck Ukraine

I’m going to buy this pet not only to help Ukraine but hopefully it will help people remember Vlad The Mad not only likes to invade countries under the pretense of “battling Fascism” but he also likes to send assassins to foreign countries and poison them with nerve agents and doesn’t care if innocent people get in the crossfire.

Plus I get to run around with a doggy pet so that’s a bonus.

Not solely towards Russia it must be said, and usually most Western countries are more likely to have xenophobic feelings to people who would be in this “collective West”.

I can guarantee without any shred of being proven wrong once this thread has run it’s course people will be back to telling everyone how the USA being the fault of everything under the sun, the French are cowards, the Germans are responsible for two World Wars and the English for inventing cricket.

Its a war. of course Russian civilians are being killed. You’re just not hearing about it, because it’s always, ALWAYS, a time honoured tradition that you are only told what the bad guys are doing.

Do you think the Allies were told of German civilians being killed in the Allied bombing raids over Germany, BEFORE the Blitz?

Or the Fire bombing of Dresden? Cologne?

Churchill mining the seas around Norway even though Norway at the time was a neutral country and hadn’t been invaded?

People then as now don’t really care what their side is doing, they just want to see their enemy being blown to smithereens and don’t generally care how it’s done.

It’s not. In the same way, Judaism is not a race.

But you know who does make it into a racial issue?



Name at least one destroyed at the level of Mariupol russian city. The only reason russian are dying is due to deeds of their military, like when russian fighter hit russian residental building in an accident.

There are no war zones or occupation zones in russia, such as there in Ukraine.

There are accidents such as when people hit the part of crimean bridge when it was attacked recently, but, like, you know, they could avoid it just not by travelling to Crimea, which is an occupied ukrainian territory.

That’s a deep take, but you’re missing out the fact that russians are aggressors, their people willingly enlist army either to fight ukrainians, to earn money (because it pays well for them) and the war is going on since 2014. Russians were heavily brainwashed that ukrainians are fascists, “little” brothers of russians, and ukrainian language is a russian dialect (reminds you of something, huh?). Ukrainians of occupied territories were also put into filtration, russians checked them for tattoos, their phones, their relations to the UAF and stuff, not talking about killed and abducted civilians of the occupied territories.

Let me introduce myself a bit. I’m a ukrainian, I’m from occupied territories of Donbas and I left it during the october of 2022. While I was there I saw russians forcibly drafting people and avoided that fate myself (I have a relative who got drafted and I know people who also were, most of them still there afaik), they were shelling from my city district and I heard out coming shells every day, they used Smerch, Grad and regular artillery. I wasn’t able to escape it for long, due to draft, but I got a chance during the october. I left the place through russia and at the border I had to go through the filtration. I was questioned, my phone was taken from me and they wanted to look in. I had to prepare myself (remove the pro-ukraine content from phone and stuff), they took my fingerprints and the photo. The questions they asked, who do I support, why am I not fighting for russia, why am I leaving “russia”. I tried to give the right answers, but it didn’t work out and the guy threatened me with a ban to enter russia, threatened that I will never go back to my home, since it will be russian territories and that I will be going back there crying and asking to let in. Then he asked me, if I’m sure that I want to leave russia. This happened to me because I’m from Ukraine and people from other cities of Ukraine gone through the same process, they even threatened refugees from Mariupol that they would send them back and draft to fight.

So, giving that background let’s return to the question of russians. Surely there are many good people amongst them, but most of them support the war and it’s a real thing. I believe that russia and russians should be sanctioned and “canceled”. There should be response for suffering of other people. Russians are also exploiting this whole situation, they go to occupied territories for a vacation, while native habitants have to leave those places, they buy apartments there. Residents of my hometown are now made to get russian passport, otherwise they would be heavily cut in their rights.


You just validated everything I said. Thank you.

So your obviously hearing about it then. Tell us all where the missile strikes and town squares of Russian civilians are being bombed?

All I see is Ukranian prisoners being rapped and run over by tanks and executed and murdered for going outside. Tell me this happens happens in russia then.

I am just a ignorant fake news reader after all.


On principle I don’t buy items from the shop but I may make an exception for this one, it’s for a great cause. I don’t get those who object to it, it’s not funding the military but to help those civilians who are trapped in dire circumstances because of a disaster. That it’s a manmade disaster instead of a natural one is irrelevant in that sense, even compassionate Russians could support this.

I hope there will be peace soon for you Ukranians.


Another person with a sensible response and gets the idea behind it.


Sometimes it is just best to accept the facts and keep :zipper_mouth_face: does everyone a favour really…

Sometimes… Its just sarcasm. I know it would do your kind a favor. But… I need information on this one.

No, you’re just ignorant of how war works. You are just as blind as the Putin supporters glued to their state-sponsored news channel telling them how the glorious anti fascism fighters are “liberating” Ukraine from terrorists. And you’re also a pot-stirrer who takes great delight in raking up “controversy” on the forums because you have nothing better to do.

If you and indeed anyone else, seem to think that Russian civilians are somehow magically protected from any repercussions by Ukraine or indeed by their own despotic leader and his regime then you are ignorant. In fact. Dangerously ignorant.

Well you said it…

The fact you went down that road speaks more volumes about you than it ever will about me.

Try harder next time you want to try and get into an "argument with me bucko. Much harder.

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So tell me about it then. Tell me about all the poor russian civilians suffering from the big mean evil Ukrainians doing even half the atrocities happening in ukraine?

I am just a ignorant pot-stirrer saying this for controversy after all. Correct me then?

You can’t. Cause what your saying isn’t real. Its made up.


You are aware of the well known, years old armory bug that causes new appearances to not show on the armory and therefore to update characters avatars as “naked” right? Like everyone is aware of that being a thing since the blizzcon onesie four or five years ago that started it right? and how it bled into store mogs and then onto in game armors and happens every patch with new appearances and armors right?

Would be a bit embarrassing trying to shame someone over such an old bug wouldn’t it…

Seems even more appropriate :grimacing:

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Oh come on… How convenient is that?! And why does that bug always happen to only female characters… I only saw it once before and it didn’t discrimate to only the chest piece!

It happened with the sprite darter set on my male tauren. I don’t often post on that char though.

Just have a day off.

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Fine… I believe you… I delete my comments. I am sorry about my Shaming you for a armory bug. Souldefiler.

Still don’t agree with everything else though.

It’s lovely to read a post like this in the midst of all the political rubbish.


Ever heard of the Geneva Convention? It came about because of the bombings you mentioned.
But you failed to tell me where Russian civilians are being bombed by Ukraine.

Do anyone claim jews are a race? Antisemitism is basicly the same as “Christophobia” or “islamophobia” if you wanna use those terms.

Hmm what? They claim to be off a different race so why not just a diff species as they seem to be lacking all form of human thinking and logic. So they can sit and scream about racism against genocidal russians that believe that what Putin is doing in Ukraine is a good thing.

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Ever heard of the CCM?

Ukraine is using cluster bombs. imagine the uproar if it was found Russia is using those.

You’re absolutely right., I can’t find anything except endless lists of russian MILITARY casualties.

So you’re absolutely right. Not ONE single Russian civilian has been injured, not so much as even a chipped nail.

Ukraine and the West have finally developed that weapon that only kills or destroys exactly what you are aiming at.


(I refer to you what I said earlier. No one wants to know about the bad guys civilians getting hurt, they are all putin fanatics anyway. Right? Right?!. if you believe that for a second you are no better than the Z flag-waving zealots who are brainwashed by what Peskov floods their media with.)

Lots of people do. Unfortunately for you. most of them if not all would agree with you that every single Russian is a Putin supporter just begging to be conscripted to Ukraine.

Which is presumably why Putin and his lower parliament just signed an order raising the conscription age limit to 30 because he just has too many 18 year olds rushing to sign up.

Not even close but go ahead and believe that if you want.

And as I said to the other fellow, thank you for the validation. if you’re going to make racist statements, well. You work it out while you are sitting there figuratively measuring a Russian’s skull like Calvin Candie.

bro, are you russian bot? bc russia was using those since the war started, actually everyone was. Google for “russian cluster bomb in ukraine”. Google for MLRS “Smerch” and cluster bombs of it.

So you’re absolutely right. Not ONE single Russian civilian has been injured, not so much as even a chipped nail.

as I told before, the war is fought at ukrainian territory and ukrainians are suffering, whilst most russians ignore the war and even go to occupied territories for tourism, where, surely, accidents happen


But Russia is using cluster bombs whole war, or what was your point?

Nobody said not a single russian civilian was injured, it is unavoidable in a war, but you seem to not understand that Russia is targeting civilians on purpose, and Ukraine is targeting military exclusively.


Russia are using those… Have been since Mariupol