Time to Ban ALL addons from the game

sure, there is no problem with that.

You don’t need addon for that. And you don’t understand the impact of addons at all.

Okey pls tell me how my bartender or my elvui or my rarescan are the root cause for soany problems that they make the game die miserably

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Taking Bartender and Shadowed Unit Frames from your cold dead hands.

I’m sorry, but banning all addons is a terrible idea and would just cause issues for many people, myself included.

I am visually impaired (Not blind, but getting there eventually) and I use addons to account for my issue in ways that the standard UI just can’t. They don’t play the game for me, just make it easier for me to play without frustration.

Furthermore, certain addons add a whole extra dimension to roleplay. Being able to set up a profile that others can see ingame is more than a little helpful, let me tell you.

The impact of addons is for 99,9% just UI customizations. Including the addon WeakAuras. You do not seem to understand it yourself.

By “many” you mean you and your alts responding to your own posts? :rofl:


Disabling Addons as a blanket measure only serves to further disable the already disabled. Hard pass.

As for the 2 specifically referenced in the OP, Rio is basically already integreated in teh form of M+ score.

And baking in damagemeters is baking in mindless toxicity, very specifically those SHOULD be disabled, end of discussion, as for the vast majoprity they serve no purpose but to enable e-peening and blanket discrimination based on an arbitrary number that pays no consideration to who is actually performing their job properly. You can´t do your 1,5 million DPS if someone else isn´t sacrificing their DpS to play the mechanics you´re ignoring to avoid a wipe.

Disabling DBM and weakauras has a much better footing to stand on IMO, because then people would be forced to actually learn mechanics and pay attention to encounters instead of complaining about how fights have become so complaicated because they never actually had to pay attention to what was going on around them.

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If you don’t like DPS meters then don’t use them and don’t hang with people who use them.

I find them very valuable. I like to look how well I do in contrast to the other players.
And while you are right that it ofcourse does not pay attention to how well someone does there job that’s not what it is made for.

It’s made to answer one question. How much DMG is done. And it answers that question.
And you want to take that tool away cause some people can’t behave.

I use them to guage my own performance. I can just as well use logs for that, as can everyone else that uses them for the proper reason and not as an e-peen-o-meter. Because damage means nothing without proper execution of mechanics.

“Look at me, I did 2 million DpS”… and yet the group still wiped because you were too lazy to kick a 5 second cast.

“Bah, loot at that warrior with the legy, worst DpS in teh whole group, what a scrub”… but the taunt that killed him and saved the group is the whole reason it wasn´t a wipe.

The Point is that forcing them on everyone by hardcoding them in is one of the worst possible ideas bar none, because most people don’t understand what they’re there for and, just like Rio, will primarily use them as a number to elevate /put down themselves or others with no consideration as to how that number came to be.

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I disagree. DPS is a tool like any other. Can be used both for good and bad. Same as your average kitchen knife - a valuable tool in any kitchen but it can also be used as a murder weapon.

Damage metters is pretty much the only tool to evaluate your performence. Tanks and healers can evalute their performance indirectly by keeping the group alive or staying alive.
Then dps cannot know if they are doing good or bad dps. Boss getting killed doesnt explain squat if 2 dpses are doing 1.5m while you are doing 0.3m. Without the metter, you cant simply know if you are doing good or not.

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www.warcraftlogs.com > Details :wink:

Sorry, But I disagree. Ingame DpS meters are good specifically for seeing where where everyone’s DpS measure compared to the rest of the group in real time, and that´s it. They say nothing useful about overall performance, much less comparative performance to other players, only about that one specific metric at that specific point in time. They also do not take into consideration external factors like PI or the buffs from an aug, only raw throughput. They´re somewhat good for guaging your personal performance compared to yourself, if you remember your numbers from the last pull /ID, and that´s about it. Even using them to compare between players in the same group and encounter is iffy at best for the aforementioned reasons.

Warcraftlogs remembers those numbers, too, and for far longer, so you can see actual trends in your performance.

And who’s really performing “better”, the Demo lock that is forced to reposition himself multiple times because others were running around like headless chickens and practically trolling him every second tyrant setup, that wound up doing 800k? Or the Retri doing 2 million that didn´t kick once and stood in every AE he possibly could have but never used a single defensive, which resulted in the healers overfocusing on him, leading to a tank death and a Battlerez that he was also too DpS focused to perform himself, so the Demo-lock had to do that, too… :wink:

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That’s a sacrifice I can accept.

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Details is doing way more than just showing flat dps. It is good on progression for analysing immediately what happened on the last pull. Or just knowing why someone died, what the damage sources are, etc etc.

An external website which requires registration is again some steps further than installing an addon.

Let’s hope you’re never disabled then and you can receive the same amount of empathy.


You wont upload your every m+ run to logs. Also the dps meter acts more of an express test. If I see I am doing horrible in dps then I can upload to logs for more detailed investigation.

Also any tool which compares players are bound to cause “negativity” in some. Like rio. Its just a number on how much dungeons you did…yet some people are screeming on how “big bad rio is gatekeeping them”.
Same with dps meters. They are just numbers. Use them or nor, everyones free initiative.
People becoming :poop: to others are done by people not by addons. If somebody wants to be :poop: to others, they will find a way.
“Does a gun kill people or the hand which pulls the trigger?”

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Absolutely, you can display literally anything, kicks, cc breaks… But that´s not what most people use it for, and we´re kidding ourselves if we argue otherwise. :beers:

And there’s still nothing it tracks that can´t be seen in live logs in a much more detailed fashion. It´s slightly more practical and doesn´t require registration, at the cost of some of the actually pertinent information getting lost due to missing timestamps. it´s good for diagnosing surface level problems, or motivating yourself to push your own buttons harder in the spur of the moment.

But as far as analyzing actual cause-effect relationships, it´s infinitely worse than logs. :wink:

Again, jsut to clarify because it seem people are trying to crucify me for a somewhat hyperbolistic statement… I use details myself and have no actual problem with it… but I have a big problem with the proposed idea of hardcoding it into the game. Because then it becomes the only yardstick people are measured by, and we all know how useless RIO score already is in that regard when simply viewed in a bubble.

I agree 100%on the general sentiment. But does that mean the solution is giving everyone a gun (= adding dmgmeters into the client itself as suggested in the OP)? :wink:

Easy to accept a sacrifice if you’re not the one adversely affected…

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Funny enough I use far less addons for retail than classic so no, they are not needed. Just QoL

It is Blizzard who must adapt game to disabled people, not third-party developers.