Time to ban boosts for gold

As someone who charges for services (in real life I am well paid for giving advice) I understand supply and demand quite well.

The game is creating a demand and players/communities/whatever are fulfilling that demand. The only real way to reduce boosting is better game design.

Prices will be similar across many suppliers as boosting is effectively a commodity in that no matter what you pay you get the same result (eg +15 boost is the same no matter what is charged), so naturally there is strong competition on price, which leads to price competition and you end up with very similar pricing across all platforms.

I also ‘boost’ players. By that I mean helping out guildies and others gear up by running dungeons, etc. I don’t charge as I don’t need gold- but people would pay if I asked as people frequently offer to.

If you want to ban ‘boosting’ where do you stop? You say Blizz could easily tell looking at a group, but how would they tell a ‘free’ friends group boosting from a paid run?

As for the LFG spam, that’s typical in last stage of an expansion when the world and it’s mother is looking to monetise their ilvl before the next release. Ban some and you will just find more taking their place.

Overexaggerating things makes you seem less believable.

Alright, you didn’t say all, you never clarified how many, but you insisted that “boosters sell gold for real money, other than tokens”.

I’ve looked up a random boosting website (the first one that came up when I googled “wow boost”) that sells 10/10 heroic Lootshare, persoloot or VIP runs and have directly compared them to oblivions boosting prices.

A full Castle Nathria heroic ruin 10/10, with lootshare is 20€, Oblivion costs you 350k, given that the token is around 200k and costs 20€, the boosting community is more expensive than the shady website.

Castle Nathria with persoloot is 14€, compared to oblivions price, 250k. Again, boosting community is more expensive.

Castle Nathria with 1 VIP Trader 17€, oblivion 420k. Gold price is over twice as much.

A mythic +15 key costs 19€, compared to oblivions price 175k, they’re similar, although I’d say oblivion is a bit cheaper this time.

I’d say they’re far from identical.

Yup, but if we put everyone on death row because Ronjambö-Nagrand said they were murderers and not put any burden of proof on him, it’d kinda be silly, wouldn’t it?

I’ve actively visited the discord of Chromies Boostcommunity, Garona Boostcommunity and Oblivion Boostcommunity to compare prices for what you’ve said.

I’ve also done googling.

What I’ve found was that your evidence was weak at best and would not hold up in a court of law.

I also found out that you did not understand the concept of “burden of proof” which means somebody being accused of a crime is innocent until proven guilty. Imagine showing up in a court and telling the judge “man do your own research, it’s literally everywhere.”

Actually kinda funny, you should try that.

I’m not saying RMT doesn’t exist, in fact I believe it’s going more strong than ever. I’m saying it’s already forbidden to be a part of real money trading and guilds and players are already getting banned for it, so using it as an argument to make boosting for gold bannable is silly.

If there is a connection between the boost community and RMT, or the booster and RMT, I highly advocate for banning them.

If there is none, I don’t believe there’s any reason to ban their craft from the game. What is your stand on people and communities who don’t breach ToS and don’t take part in RMT? Do you want them gone as well?

Because if your answer is “yes”, then your pet peeve is with boosting in general and your entire arguments are based on your personal dislike of boosters and boosting communities, not on rational thinking.

And if your answer is “no”, then I don’t understand why we’re having this argument, because I agree with “ban all real money traders”.

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im not overstating anything, there are tens of thousands of people in the boosting communities’ discord servers

what do you think i meant?

These words “loot share” “vip” “self play” etc
 they are what you should be looking at.

are you taking the michael ?

Blizzard don’t need a court of law to ban players that help to ruin the game, they only need to use their best judgement and a bit of common sense.

Stronger than ever
 you don’t say

Probably because any community said to be boosting only for gold are feeding, enabling and obfuscating the ones who do it only for real money.

Look, i have been saying in this topic that the In-Game Advertisements and anyone posting them should be silenced and banned. I don’t give a shoot if someone wants to boost their guild mates, or their friends

It is supposed to be against the terms of service to use the group finder for advertising, but the games masters do not do anything about it. They say they do, but yet we see exactly the same characters posting exactly the same adverts from exactly the same accounts daily. We report them, nothing happens other than it hides the advert from us until we relog, then we see them again.

Their accounts should be silenced for any form of in-game boost advertising. If they advertise communities, websites or even twitch, they should be banned yes.

Look at how empty the servers are right now
 so many people have been boosted that they feel they have completed the content, so new players, returning players and those who play at a slower pace now are having a hard time to make groups.

This isn’t misplacement of blame.

I think you need to stick a pin in your head to release some of the pressure.

Nobody is jealous of you buddy. If we want gold we will go buy a wow token or spend some time grinding for gold.

Kind of ironic that the people in this topic are so adamant that blizzard wont ban boosts because of wow token sales, then the ones conning others out of their gold claim that people are jealous of the gold they have
 if people wanted gold they would just get some easy enough.

People don’t envy boosters, people hate boosters with a passion for being the cause of this game being so toxic and rushed at the start of a season, and empty at the end of the season.

Boosting is killing the game.

People in a discord server != people being boosters.

Read my post again, I’ve compared these things. And except for a +15 key, none of the prices were close to each other.

The archangel that stole the “EL” from “satanael”? What?

Blizzard needs some sort of evidence to back up bans. They can’t just ban people because Ranjambö-Nagrand believes they “ruin the game”. Otherwise, what prevents people from advocating to ban you, or me, for ruining whatever experience they have, by taking in part in whatever gameplay they believe to be hurtful to the game?

You can’t just ban players on opinions, what kinda system would that be?

Now we’re back to feeding, enabling and obfuscating, rather than actively taking part in? Which one is it? Is every community part of RMT or are they simply feeding, enabling and obfuscating RMT?

Advertisements in LFG? Yes, agreed.

In tradechat? Although I hate the spam so much that I’ve downloaded Badboy ccleaner, I’ll have to objectively say, boosting is a trade. Boosting advertisements have more place in tradechat than guild advertisements have.

So I don’t think silencing people posting advertisements in tradechat should be silenced, unless there was be some policy change and a dedicated channel to boost advertisements. If said dedicated channel was created, I’d gladly go with “silence everybody advertising in /2”, but since there is none, there’s no other option to advertise these services ingame. And well, there’s very obviously a demand, otherwise the supply wouldn’t be needed.

Agreed, that’s an issue. Hold Blizzard responsible for not enforcing their own rules regarding the matter. Not sure how, if you find out, you tell me, I’ll gladly join in on the cause. LFG adverts need to get stopped.

Are you talking about LFG adverts? Then I agree. Tradechat adverts are, thus far, still allowed and in fact the only way these people can advertise ingame, legally. Although I feel like there should be something along the lines of one post every 5 minutes at a max, or rather an entire dedicated channel with boost adverts being entirely removed from the tradechat.

Advertising websites, twitch or communities should only be bannable if these websites go for real money boosts.

Although all those twitch streamers that are playing “sub keys” are effectively doing real money trading, so ban them from both WoW as well as twitch.

In general, I don’t disagree with you on most of the topics, just some.


  • people who advertise in tradechat should get silenced
  • boost communities all take part in real money trading
  • people who advertise for websites, twitch or communities should get silenced / banned

Tradechat needs some sort of “boost only tradechat”, so people can opt out of that one and be safe from spam. Until there’s an alternative, tradechat is where boost advertisements belong. I don’t like it either, but that’s just the way it is, things will never be the same.

I don’t believe boost communities are part of RMT. If you have any evidence on the topic, other than “look it up for yourself”, which I did and I’ve found no obvious link between one of the largest boost communities and the first hit on googles “wow boost” regarding prices, feel free to share said evidence and if it is hard evidence, I’ll be the first to advocate for banning these people.

I believe advertising for websites, communities and twitch streams is once again fine, unless they’re part of RMT, which is not.

Google it.

They don’t.

Even if they did, they can simply log in, open the group finder tool and there they have all the evidence they would ever need to ban people for in-game advertising.

You guys are replying to my posts as if I were the OP here. I am saying (once again, to be clear) that they should ban in-game advertising of boosts for cash or for gold.

I also say again, since you can’t be bothered to read the whole topic, that I was once banned for a period of time, for repeating the name of a gold seller website in the trade chat. (i only said it 1 time and was banned).

Blizzard have automatic systems which can ban people for spamming certain website links in chat channels. These systems are currently disabled.

If I could be banned for repeating the name of a website, then boost spammers and those who abuse the Group Finder tool can and should be banned. With incremental time bans which lead to permanent bans.

If you stop the in-game advertising, then it will have an affect on the amount of boosting that happens.

They are banning and suspending sellers - I advertised for a free community, no ads, no twitch, no raffles, no lottery, no sub, or follow requirements, you simply join and request a boost, we do not make any money, we do not have any monetization.

And I got a 7 month suspension for advertising that in the LFG. It’s just that they transfer the gold they get to other accounts, they buy for the gold, and money they make, and someone like me, an honest, genuine person can’t do that, because I dont make anything.

Burner accounts. And it went, fast didn’t take me a few minutes to get that suspension clocked onto my account, but as I have always said
 Its the gold sellers reporting me, they want me gone, not the actual players.

If that’s the logic behind gold boost being legal, why are people punished for boost advertisement?

Seems like a double standard and selective logic :man_shrugging:

Boosting raids or dungeons for gold is ok and been there always nothing wrong in that. Im not blaming any Raid boosting community, they just make gold in game with something they are good at. But those shady sites and their services hit also now to those Raid boosters who do it only for gold and get blamed for no reason because shady sites services

There is that little thing they do. They just work quitly inside game and getaway because everyone blame this situation we are in anything but them.

You’re right, they don’t. But if they wanted to not ruin their entire game, they wouldn’t randomly ban people who aren’t breaking ToS.

That’s about it, you’re advocating to randomly ban people for no reason other than your personal feelings. What a terrible mindset you’re showcasing.

It has nothing to do with my personal feelings.

The game is dead right now, and will be until season 2 goes live. We have a long wait for that. Before they launch content, Blizzard calculate how long it will take people to complete the content. They don’t take into account the affect of boosting in these calculations.

So why is the game dead right now? Because of all the boosting that has been going on at an increased rate. Each season the situation gets worse.

To stop the servers from going prematurely dead towards the end of a season, they have to do something. The action they can take is already in their terms of service. Don’t spam channels, and don’t use the group finder tool for advertising.

They should act on this. A ban wave is needed. That’s not personal feeling, that’s business.

I am speaking from a games developer point of view. If it were my game I would have already taken action before a topic like this popped up on the forums.

Believe - Blizzard lose a lot more money from loss of subscriptions due to dead servers, than they would lose from wow token sales from banning people for advertising boosts.

It’s your personal feelings. Repeating twice that it isn’t doesn’t change that fact. Advertising in trade chat is obnoxious, not bannable. They shouldn’t ban people that aren’t breaking ToS, that’s uncalled for and nothing but arbitrariness.

I’m glad it isn’t.

There’s no point in continuing this conversation, you have nothing to add towards this entire discussion, other than made up arguments about how every boosting community is also involved in real money trading, with not a single point of evidence that’s been presented, and how the game is dead and boosting killed it.

It’s quite tiresome. If you’re going to be an echochamber, try being one of less frequently repeated statements.

look, it just seems like you stand to lose something if they take action.

It’s got nothing to do with my feelings. Why do you think they limited the trade channel so that you can only post 2 times in it before it triggers a cooldown timer? Because spamming isn’t allowed. Why do you think you can right click on someone and report them for spamming? Becuase
 spamming isn’t allowed.

I have reported people for spamming all day in the past, and then the next day they are gone. Gone to make a new account and a new character.

So stop trying to twist things onto me. I am not making up anything. Your opinion is that I am wrong, and your feelings are what is showing through here.

I study games development, and have done for the past 14 years or so. What I am saying is that they should silence accounts for spamming boost adverts in chat channels and silence and ban advertisements in the group finder. I state my reasoning for that (dead servers) but you just can’t accept what I am saying as a valid point.

The player base of every game is a leaking bucket. As a developer you must do whatever it takes to plug the holes before a new one gets poked into the side of the bucket. Boosting is killing the game. Blizzard are losing more money each season due to the affect of it.

It doesn’t matter what you think or feel, and the only feeling I am displaying here is a love for a game which is dying because of the gaping hole caused by boosting.

When players log on to empty servers, they log off and go to play something else. They unsubscribe. They don’t invite their friends to play.

Yup, I actively boosted for gold in the past to earn my Caravan Brutosaur and I plan to do so again, whenever I’m in need of some gold, for whatever.

I’m a huge advocate for banning people who advertise in the LFG tool and a huge advocate for something to remove the spam from /2 as well.

So why are you so keen on attempting to ban people who did not break ToS, if it isn’t due to your feelings?

Ah yes, so the

Isn’t a made up argument, which I’ve factchecked and has been proven to be wrong?

Where you talk a lot about proof but provide, once again, none, isn’t made up either?

 that’s gotta be rough at some point you need to catch the hint. Man that statement is seriously depressing.

I agree, spamming should get met with a silence.

Also agreed, never said anything else.

As somebody who plays on a dead server, there’s no spam in trade chat. There’s nothing in trade chat at all, except the occasional advertisement every 10 - 15 minutes.

What does boosting do that it didn’t do 10 years ago? It existed back in vanilla, it existed in BC, it has existed ever since. There’s a “famous” adult video a girl made for an Amani Bear back in BC.

Or you know, the class design, the entire concept of finishing expansions after releasing them, rather than before, the storywriting, the meaningless grinds that never end, the still existing random upgrades, the fact that most competent developers have left the game, and similar are what has caused the gaping hole and you’re too upset about people boosting to notice the obvious flaws in game design?

Yeah about that, I still don’t quite get it. Was it boosting that made Blizzard stop halfway through with server merges? Was it boosting that made them delete the thread about ongoing server merges without any message whatsoever? Did boosting make them ignore dead servers for years, to only merge very few of the many dead servers and then go back to ignoring them?

Or was it perhaps
 the fact that having peoples old characters be stuck on dead servers is valuable to them, given the fact that they charge 25€ per character transfer?

Boosting isn’t the root of all evil, no matter how you attempt to phrase it. I know you’d like to blame it all on one thing, and trust me, so do I, because that’d mean fixing that one thing would make the game better again, but it’s much more than just one thing.

It’s the mentality of players and developers; it’s the storywriters that have been burned out for the past 10 years, or are too new and unfamiliar with the story to create proper ones; it’s the fact that every developer that’s worth a dime has ultimately left Blizzard Entertainment because they weren’t valued enough and there’s many many more reasons why WoW is in decline. And while the boost spam in /2 is obnoxious and in LFG even a bannable offense, which is currently being ignored by Blizzard for whatever reason, it’s nowhere nearly as the cause of WoWs demise as you’re trying to put it.

You genuinely need to get at least a bit more real with yourself, because I do believe that you believe what you’re saying. But lying to oneself hurts nobody but oneself and you know you’re talking in a feverdream when you say that stuff such as dead servers exist due to boosting existing. And if you don’t know that, then you need to wake up from said feverdream. Your family misses you mate.


Dead servers have it easy to be fair you are correct no adverts at all in trade nothing as they know they will not get any buyers .

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Right, so no matter what i say here, you are just going to keep on twisting my words and chopping up my paragraphs into single lines

Are you really incapable of retaining a paragraph of words in your mind whilst you reply to it? Is that why you do this multi quoting? Or is it just the way you misdirect topics to make any readers believe that you are the most correct one? Doesn’t wash.

I can’t even be bothered to read your sloppy post right now, maybe later. Going to watch a movie, because
 the server i play on is dead, dead, dead, dead, and dead (5 connected realms, high population according to the server list, but nobody online, dead). Thanks to boosting.

Go and eat an ego cookie spread with some of your own ego.

I’ll quote the lines I directly reply to to make it easier to follow the conversation. Y’know I could just not quote anything at all and confuse you whether I’m talking to you at all, or I could quote the entire thing and then make my point, one after another, with you being unsure at what part of your statement I’ve even adressed my point, but apparently proper formatting is also upsetting to you.

Similar how you comment on your code, y’know?

Anyway, it’s weird how you’ve just now noticed how each and every one of your statements has been already answered and thus have now decided to not go into a discussion about the points you’ve tried to make, but have instead decided to insult not me, but my formatting?

Let’s be real, is this a new low for you or is it a point in life where you’ve been before? Genuinely curious at this point, Ronjambö-Nagrand, person who studies game development for 14 years or so.

Damn boosting. It poisoned our water supply, burned our crops and delivered a plague onto our houses!

What’s next, is boosting gonna steal christmas?

I know I shouldn’t make fun of this, but it’s a bit too funny to me, how you actually believe that boosting is literally the root of all evil and the sole reason why WoW has been in decline. Maybe study game development for 14 more years and think very hard about that statement again. Feel free to come back to me then.

This is how it went in those games what i played before wow. But Boosting is something what have been here whole time since wow start and its totally ok you boost friends, guildies or do it for gold. Today sadly it looks that all boosting happens just for gold and shady sites and their boosters who does it for real cash getaway and all those Raiders and mythic boosters who do it just for gold get all blame even they just play by rules

No man, it’s like trying to have a conversation with an “emotional attack dog” who has to jump in and interrupt you after each sentence. Just the same as people think that WRITING IN CAPS is shouting. Quoting each sentence like that is just plane rude.

I will read it later if I can be bothered.

You already proved my point, you will do and say anything to try to use this topic to get blizzard to add a chat channel where you can spam boost adverts all day to try and con players out of their gold.

When you sit to play monopoly with your family, are you one of those control freaks who tells someone to go sit on the sofa whilst you handle their money and counters on the board? Do you charge them a fee each time you roll the dice for them?

We are meant to play the game for ourselves and not for others. Blizzard should not give you a channel for selling boosts. They should silence and or ban you for spamming.

WoW just wow personal attacks because you do not agree with them . Just stick to the persons views not there irl .

Spamming or Trolling

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  • Making non-constructive posts

" Posting TLDR or L2P constitutes as trolling

Posting TLDR (Too Long, Didn’t Read) is saying you don’t care about a player’s post"