Time to ban boosts for gold

The things you want to mark as suspicious is happening all the time among friends, guilds and communities. In the end it are just people playing happily together.


Who do we need to ban on this example? It is up to you. But i see 5 friends doing some M+.

That should also be stopped but it’s harder to stop but definitely possible. Compared to boosting, it’s a minor issue though because the amount of low skilled people who have high skilled friends is, I guess, pretty limited. The chance of those high skilled friends wanting to play with the lowed skilled people is even lower.

Back to the point though - other games are stopping this too, for a reason.

There are tons of players like that :grin:

Why should it be stopped? Suddenly people are not allowed to play with their friends because their friends happen to be worse at the game? That’s preposterous.


No, I think that’s fine. Stuff like this is obviously not boosting. There are some pretty obvious patterns for boosting.

Not boosting? 2 players with 220 ilvl smashing through a dungeon for 3 others? 1 of those had never even done that dungeon on M0. If this is not boosting than i don’t understand what boosting is.

Can i Say something here? …look at this from my side
Blizzard put 220 ilvl token weapon and off hand to last 2 bosses in CN
Now i do not raid and i do not want to spend 2 weeks progresing something i don’t need to do i love my time
i only play m+
So how can i join into the group for last 2 bosses only if i never progreses that raid
so i buy them for golds cause i make golds easily with Shadowlands LW skining / herb /mining/alch
is it bad? ye but it’s blizzard fault cause they put best items and locked them behind last raid bosses

Talking from a PvP perspective here - because it’s f*ing up the ladder system. It’s inflating rating, evading the matchmaking mechanics and results, in simply not winnable matches for opposing teams, where the whole point of a matchmaking system is to prevent hat.

Like I’ve said, most PvP games do prevent players from queueing up together when their skill level is too far apart.

What a great MMO where you can’t play with friends :roll_eyes:

  1. It’s a +5. First indicator of it not being boosted. Could be, but the key is so low level that it’s not within the usual margin of boosting services.
  2. It’s a single dungeon, usually boosters boost people through multiple dungeons.
  3. Many people skip M0 with their twinks or even mains when they have M+ experience from previous expansions.
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So your idea of a mmo is one where if my friends happen to be worse than me at the game I’m not allowed to play with them because it’s somehow inconvenient to you? Cool design, but no thanks.

“Most”? The pvp games I’ve played so far don’t actually stop you from playing with your friends if they do have a queue as team option.

For the same reasons you’re allowed to buy herbs, flasks, pots, food, consumables, legendary bases and boes from the AH. Trading is an integral part of the MMO genre, including hiring players to help you out.

You mean to tell me players are allowed to sell their services as blacksmiths, but not as killing machines? That doesn’t make sense.

Give me one example?
I can give you multiple examples…
LoL, DotA2, Overwatch, CS:GO, iirc even HotS.

Talking in a rated context of course. You can queue up in all of those games for unrated matches without restrictions.

Not really, but it’s either that, making boosts less attractive or just living with boosts.

SC2, for example. I can play in teams with whoever I choose to, if I want to play 2v2, 3v3 or 4v4. In fact, I even get a separate rating for each team I play in.

You are not completely right with some assumptions, since we did 3 dungeons and not 1. But Fair it is a +5.

What about this?

I have no problem showing this. Got no gold for it. The mage is actually the ret pala in my usual M+ group where i do 20 M+ runs average a week with. The player is a fire mage main since legion and earlier, rerolled bfa S2 to ret pala since fire was not good and terrible to play early seasons bfa. We now help to get a weekly chest. But it is 100% boosting.

In bfa we have runned very often the even ‘torment tuesday’ for getting guildies weekly +15 chests too. And i am not seeing anything wrong with it.

True, that’s most likely due to queues taking too long if they’d change that though. Sc2 is designed as a 1v1 game though so everything besides 1v1 doesn’t really concern Blizzard too much.

In the majority and the most popular of team based games you can’t queue up with much lower skilled players though, as I’ve listed.

Many of those games implemented those changes over the past few years.

The problem here is you’re listing MOBA and FPS games. WoW is an MMO, you’re meant to make friends that you can play with in this game. All the other games also have a SoloQ system in place

I just had the data you’ve given me. I just assumed it was 1 dungeon.

Inspecting single runs isn’t going to get us anywhere here.
I was suggesting to let an algorithm flag players with suspicious behaviour and then let an employee check the logs.

There are certain metrics that can be analyzed with the huge amount of data and logs that exist in the game and could be added to the game.

We’re talking about a huge amount of data here, not single scraps.
That’s why we’re not creating statistics based on a 10-20 examples rather than thousand upon thousands.

Absolutely true. I’d also rather have boosting services discouraged than to remove the possibility to help friends. How are you going to achieve that though?

Exclusively competitive games that do not have player trading is a core part of the GENRE, can do this. Games like Quake 3, Siege, DOTA, LoL, etc. Boosting in these games isn’t done through legitimate ingame trade, it is done through outside trading, using 3rd party services, paypalling money, etc

You need to compare MMOs to MMOs. PvP in WoW is not a standalone game. WoW is a game of trading, like every good MMO.