Time to Buff Demonology Warlocks in WoW PvP!

Hey everyone,

I wanted to bring up a pressing issue regarding the state of Demonology Warlocks in World of Warcraft TWW. It seems that our beloved spec has fallen behind in terms of damage output and survivability, and I believe it’s time we address this before it becomes a bigger problem in the game.

Lack of Proper Damage Output

First off, let’s talk about the overall damage. In both PvE and PvP settings, Demonology Warlocks are struggling to keep up with other DPS classes. Our AoE potential is decent, but when it comes to single-target damage, we just can’t compete. Other classes are consistently outshining us, leaving us feeling more like a support class rather than the heavy hitters we’re meant to be.

Sustain Damage is a Real Issue

Moreover, the sustain damage for Demonology is quite lackluster. We rely heavily on our demons to do the heavy lifting, but their damage output feels underwhelming. This makes it incredibly challenging to maintain consistent pressure on our targets, especially in longer encounters where every bit of damage counts. It’s frustrating to see our efforts go unrewarded while other classes can sustain their damage with ease.

No Burst Damage Capability

Let’s not forget the significant issue of burst damage. In today’s meta, burst is king. Unfortunately, Demonology lacks the tools to deliver any meaningful burst damage. While other specs can unleash devastating bursts in clutch moments, we’re left with a toolkit that feels more suited for a sustained approach, which just isn’t cutting it right now. In high-stakes situations, we need that ability to turn the tide quickly, and sadly, that’s just not happening.

Conclusion: Buffs Needed!

In conclusion, if Blizzard wants to keep Demonology Warlocks relevant and enjoyable to play, it’s crucial that they consider some buffs. Whether it’s increasing our damage output, enhancing our sustain, or giving us some much-needed burst potential, changes are necessary to bring balance back to our spec.

Let’s rally together and make our voices heard! What are your thoughts? Are you experiencing similar frustrations? What changes would you like to see?

Looking forward to hearing from you all!

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Dear colleague,
Hello all demo’s,

Btw, @Æglæca, I met you in the vastness of PvP, this is my new account (there is no point in checking it so), btw the old one contained 3k exp on the demonology, as I know your experience is also about the same.

I want to start with a not at all gentle and tender prelude, of course.

Demonology a completely god-forsaken spec, apparently for which the developers do not have the skill and level of programming skill in pvp due to this complexity, roughly speaking, in comparison with melianial specs like affli or destro, which I see on pink unicorns with a rainbow flag with three buttons, demonology is the most difficult grand piano spec and must requiring skill and experience from player, which is why you rarely see them in the arena every season but they still exist in the top, for example this is me.

First of all gentlemens developers and other inventors first stole Metamorphosis from us to this ducking duck Demon Hunter, then later after a couple of centuries when we gained relevance which was for several weeks we destroyed the Nether Portal. Now we are simply forgotten and completely nerfed, disabled persons to be sure.

Yes of course on this patch notes day we can observe buffed of Feral damage already over-hyped before, good job!

Sincely yours, from the deepest depths of demopnic’s forgotten annals,
doom taki ta doom doom ta ta taki

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Hello, unfortunately the problems of the current warlock demonology are not “only” the damage. It’s really the whole dynamic behind it, which is decidedly slow. It has become a spec where you have to cast even to breathe, and the only instants we had have been reduced. The start of the season with very little haste certainly doesn’t help.

The problems first of all are in the warlock talents, in fact it makes no sense to have 4 points to have a ridiculous healing (fel synergy) and a 5% damage reduction in PvP (soul link). This already takes away several points and the possibility of accessing interesting talents, and it would be enough to integrate soul link and fel synergy in only two points (with more important healing).

The story “the warlock being a tank caster must cast everything since he has very powerful defenses” has been an urban legend for a long time, since soul leech, soul link, mortal coil have been halved in all. Having removed the fel obelisk in PvP without compensation was crazy, by the time you try to cast the dreadstalkers you’re already dead. What could be done? Definitely increase the damage, by a lot. Second thing: at least dreadstalkers need to go back to being instant.

It would be nice for every shadowbolt and demon bolt to have a proc chance for a boosted hand of guldan’s instant, like in the old set. Demons especially melee ones should have a talent or a PvP talent to remove root, snare and stun as so many did. It’s not normal that a frost nova or a fear aoe… and you lose all the already small damage.

The charhounds are excellent from a graphic and lore point of view, but absolutely a disaster in practice: it takes too long to cast him, and after having stretched, drank coffee and read the newspaper he finally decides to enter into battle. The target switch is comical, disarmingly slow. For PvE and some random PvP I stopped taking it as a talent, reinforcing others and often using implosion in order to have as many demonic cores as possible and greater mobility.

Another HUGE problem is the hero talent Diabolist: it is beautiful, graphically and thematically. However, it seems to still be in alpha, as the greaters demons for unspecified reasons often attack everything except your main target. which is incomprehensible, given that being like a banal demon that is evoked like the second felguard or the dimensional rift of destruction it is not clear why the code has to be so different and complicated to fix