Time to change Table loot NOW!

It is insane when people left after killed boss all the time! It is so annoying!

Why is it annoying? when a group is filled back in a seconds?
I had people leaving blizzard system always replaced them almost instantly :smiley:

if dps leaves yes, tank or healer, then nope, not worth continuing at all then

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What? it’s early in the expansion you gonna get heal and TANK pretty fast it’s not going to be like 10 minute wait
If you can’t wait 1 minute for new people then i suggest you to stop playing wow completely

I had a tank leave, close to 10 minute wait. This “hurr durr can’t you wait 1 min” is crap.


:smiley: ye sure 100%%%%

So you’re calling me a liar? Or you just gonna fall back on your usual trope of “Well it hasn’t happened to me!”

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Don’t bother with that guy, in another post he said that ppl complain simply because they are “spiteful”. Obviously he has no idea on what’s going on with Ara-kara where entire grp leaves right after 1st boss.

Dont overexagerate.

It happened to me too. I just told the DDs to keep moving. That we dont need a tank, i can heal them…

By the time a new tank arrived we were on the last boss.

Fortunately waiting 10 min for a tank is rare. Usually its 1 min tops… So 1 anecdote proves nothing.

There is no need to change anything. On Wednesday morning nobody will be doing heroics.

I’m not.

Tank left, healer then left and one dps left. We kept on clearing and it was 10 minutes.

I have no reason to lie or exaggerate - also, you’ll know from my posts I’m not prone to that.

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You are right. You also say truths as they are.


Im sad to hear your experience. But a small sidenote, weren’t you a healer ?

Nope, I was on an ele shaman. Thats how I know how long it took, its how many earth ele’s I went through.

Well if you want to instant quews we can play toguether… that helps. :slight_smile:


Here my discord. In case you want to play. :slight_smile:

Very kind thanks but I normally heal or tank, I just felt like punching things for a change.

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